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Display 640x480 How to change it?

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    Display 640x480 How to change it?

    I just installed Kubuntu this afternoon ver 7.04. All went well until I shut down then restarted the system. My screen came up in VGA and the system setting for the display will not show any option other than what it is set at. 640 480 and 65 Hz. The monitor and chip set to drive it are capable of much higher resolution. I was using 104 780 and 85 Hz under windows and under Ubuntu 7.04. How can I get back control of my display?

    Re: Display 640x480 How to change it?

    It's your graphics driver, used in the xserver configuration file, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

    Open the console, found at KMenu>System>Konsole, and in the window type
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    it will ask for your password, and then it will begin a script. On the first page, for the first time through, you can choose "yes" to "autodetect?" and let it attempt to determine what your graphics card is. Then proceed with the keyboard, mouse, and monitor selections -- you should be able to select defaults until you get to the monitor section. Choose a resolution that you know your monitor is capable of, and proceed with the refresh rate to complete the script. At the end, the script dumps you back to the command line prompt, and at that point you can type
    to start the xserver.

    I predict this won't work correctly, because that is what presumably happened during your initial installation. If not, then do it again, but the second time, on the first screen, choose "no" to "autodetect?", and on the second page choose "VESA", and then proceed through the script the same as you did the first time. At the end of the script, type
    again, and this time you should get the resolution and refresh rate that you indicated during the script. But you don't have a high performance driver installed for your graphics chip. To do that, you need to search this forum and the Ubuntu Forums for the driver choices and installation procedures for you particular graphics system.

    Good luck with it!


      Re: Display 640x480 How to change it?

      I did a reinstall of the 7.04 cd and got the same result. I am going back to Ubuntu. I will just install it over the Kubuntu tonight. Never the less, thanks for the help.


        Re: Display 640x480 How to change it?

        Once to the desktop, have you tried ctrl-alt-"-" (that's the minus key on the keypad)? That changes the resolution of all allowable resolutions. What display adapter do you have?

