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3.5.7 upgrade

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    3.5.7 upgrade

    hi - i saw kde 3.5.7 was out so i followed these simple instructions to upgrade:

    the download fetched a ton of packages. the installation ran for an hour. but to my chagrin my kde version stayed at 3.5

    this was depite the fact i added 3 of the sources listed; confirmed they are checked in the adept repository management screen; gone through the fetch numerous times; downloaded a bunch of packages; done the apply numerous times and logged out/in and re-booted. the new new sources still have x's in them and yet i am stuck on kde 3.5

    any ideas what to do? or, what i should look at to determine specifically where in the process it has stopped (since no errors have been given and it seems to successfully complete the apply step each time)?


    Re: 3.5.7 upgrade

    How exactly are you determining your kde version? Feisty starts out with 3.5.6, so I don't know where you are seeing just '3.5'

    if you open any KDE app, such as Konqueror or Kontact, and look at Help - About KDE, it should specify exactly which version, whether it is 3.5.6, or 7. but it should in any case show the full 3 digit version.


      Re: 3.5.7 upgrade

      /em smacks self upside the head

      indeed it is specifed as a three digit in the apps and it is in fact 3.5.7

      for extra credit though my kdevelop stayed at 3.4.0 - did i miss something to get the latest version of it?


        Re: 3.5.7 upgrade

        no, you have (almost) the latest kdevelop version, for some reason it has its own versioning.


          Re: 3.5.7 upgrade

          thanks claydoh.

          so i finally concluded why my adept wasn't finding the package was that i have 64 bit amd and it doen't look like that has a package yet.

          so i download the source, configure, make and make install. it takes forever but seems to go well. then when i run kdevelop either from the menu or command prompt i still get 3.4.0 when in fact it was definitely 3.4.1 i downloaded. suggestions on where to look to figure out what might have gone wrong



            Re: 3.5.7 upgrade

            probably you now have 2 instances of kdevelop installed, one via Adept, and the other manually compiled, and probably installed in a different location. You could try removing the official version and see if the one you built will run.

            Basically, they system looks for executables in a few different locations, and will run the first one it finds. So, for example, kdevelop's 3.4.0 executable is in /usr/bin and 3.4.1 in /usr/local/bin, usually the one in /usr/bin will run first, unless you specify the full path in the command or menu entry


              Re: 3.5.7 upgrade

              thanks got it finally!!!!

              after i went to bed it dawned on me that i had logged out once before the make but after setting the environment vars. so i just reset the env vars and re-ran make install and viola there it was!

              last question then i'm done ... my adept still says v3.4.0 and yet i have overridden it. does this get me messed up in some way? or is the likely result simply that when a 64 bit package becomes available on my source list, it will just get installed on top of the source code install i've just done?

              thanks again, gt.


                Re: 3.5.7 upgrade

                Adept only is able to track packages installed via dpkg/apt/adept/etc. It cannot tell that you have manually compiled and installed something.

                A way that you can get around this is to use a tool called checkinstall. This replaces the 'make install' command and will build and install personal debian package (not truly good for distributing to others). That would cause apt to replace 3.4.0 with your 3.4.1 in its software database. I often use this tool, but it on occasion does not work. But this is rare for me.

