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was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

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    was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

    New to Linux, after much test driving, picked Kubuntu.
    Installed and was working just fine. XP on drive 1, kubuntu on drive 2.
    Installed firefox, envy, had fglrx working just fine. reboots all a-ok. Everything going great so far.

    Then I went to login manager and checked auto login, and shutdown PC for the night. Now on boot, i get cd boot check (as per my BIOS), then it says GRUB.

    And it stops there. Tried Alt-F1, C-A-F1, nothing. random keys, nothing happens.
    What did I do?

    Speak slowly, I habla XP!
    Shuttle SK43G Barton 2500+<br />1G Corsair DDR333<br />WD SATA 120G and 320G<br />Sapphire x1550 256mg AGP

    Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

    A drastic but low-knowledge solution would be to reinstall Kubuntu - this should repair grub.

    If you know a little how to use a linux shell, I would suggest booting the liveCD, then have a look at the file /boot/grub/menu.lst on your Kubuntu partition. That is what controls grub. Also see when it was modified - was it before your change in settings?

    AFAIK, grub does not handle the auto-login, so your changing that setting may not be the cause of the boot failure - might have been some other change or a hardware failure of some kind.

    You can also reinstall grub, but that's a little involved, depending on your experience level.
    Check out my blog for useful scripts and tips...


      Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

      To re-install GRUB:

      How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

      Do you know what partitions your XP and your Kubuntu are on?
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

        OK, wife needed the computer this weekend, so I just re-installed 7.04 since much hadn't been done yet.

        I printed out my /boot/grub/menu.lst and replicated my steps to see if I could re-create problem. Boots fine with auto login.
        One thing I did change, is under the Shutdown Tab of Login Manager, there was a selecter for bootmanager, that said none. I chose GRUB from the dropdown box.
        This appeared to change the shutdown slightly, now I get some text followed by the Kubuntu graphic, rather than just the Kubuntu graphic.

        BTW, XP is on sda1, Kubuntu, / is installed on sdb1, swap sdb5, /home sdb6.

        I will continue to play around and will post if it pops up again.
        Shuttle SK43G Barton 2500+<br />1G Corsair DDR333<br />WD SATA 120G and 320G<br />Sapphire x1550 256mg AGP


          Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

          "BTW, XP is on sda1, Kubuntu, / is installed on sdb1, swap sdb5, /home sdb6."

          So If you ever were to re-install GRUB, it would be

          root (hd1,0) # that installs the GRUB from the GRUB files at root (/)
          setup (hd0) # that sets up GRUB in the MBR of the first drive (Windows drive)

          (again, see the How-To for the logistics etc., but that’s basically it, all at a grub> prompt)
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

            I think it might be a hardware or power issue. I have changed no hardware or even opened the case in about 2 months.

            It seems to randomly make it to different points in startup. It affects both windows and kubuntu. At this point it won't read a recovery disk either.

            It all happened in this order. I reset after each problem, and then the next would occur.

            1. Hang at GRUB
            2. Grub loaded, windows bootloader failed
            3. Windows recovery disk can't repair: missing or corrupt /windows/system32/config/system
            4. windows starts in safe mode. Shutdown and restart normally.
            5. Windows boots ok. Shutdown until next day.
            6. Grub -Loading 1.5 - read error
            7. CD-Roms will not boot
            8. Grub loads, hangs at Kubuntu graphic after selecting Kernel
            9. Hangs during POST, cannot enter BIOS.
            10. Gave up, had to go to work.

            I know this isn't really a Kubuntu issue anymore. But maybe a hardware guy can tell me.
            Is my CMOS battery dying?, or MB dying? I first thought bad sector on boot drive, but I would POST if that were it, right?

            All seems a little odd.
            Shuttle SK43G Barton 2500+<br />1G Corsair DDR333<br />WD SATA 120G and 320G<br />Sapphire x1550 256mg AGP


              Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

              Sorry, don't know, but I agree that it is sounding like a hardware issue, and at first impression I thought maybe the hard drive was going bad or had bad sectors on it. Maybe we have a hardware opinion here?
              Is it ok to recommend a ? You could post this question there for hardware and many guys there are also into Kubuntu/Ubuntu.
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

                I always suspect the power supply first (from experience), but your situation does sound rather like a hard drive that's not keeping its speed at minimum specification.

                To test (and I know this isn't real cheap), if you could install a different hard drive, and a new OS on that one, either it will run fine (proving your hard drive has a problem) or it will have the same problem (proving it is the power supply).

                A distant third possibility is some intermittent failure in memory or on the motherboard. Testing the memory is free, if time consuming -- run memtest from your Kubuntu CD to do that.

                Hope this helps.


                  Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

                  Yeah, and the first step all the hardware guys do is to check ALL the cables – the power cables and the data cables connecting everything in the PC case. Make sure they are all plugged in tight on both ends (on the mobo and on the component end).

                  Memory: Shut down your PC, disconnect completely from power source from the wall. Ground yourself by touching the power supply (so you don’t pass an electrostatic charge off onto your mobo or memory or CPU or other). Remove the memory from their slots. Re-install the memory – making sure the memory is well seated. Ditto for video card, PCI cards, etc.

                  For HDs, Seagate has testing software that comes with their HDs. Maybe you have some with yours that would test for bad sectors. There’s probably some free download testers or on-line testers somewhere, too.

                  It is not overheating is it? (Intel has IDU, Intel Desktop Utilities that has a CPU/mobo zone temp monitor.)

                  As dibl says, the power supply is often the culprit. About all you can do there (unless you are expert and/or have a tester) is to try another known-good P/S in your PC to see if it works. Once, I took my faulty P/S to the local CompUSA and they tested it quickly for free (I bought it there). Maybe someone locally would do that for you for cheap/free
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: was working fine, then no boot: Says GRUB

                    Thanks for all the tips. I have two drives, so maybe I will remove windows drive and do a Kubuntu install off second drive (as first), memtest also. Not overheating. My shuttle ICE fan would be going balls to the wall if it were a temp issue. I monitor temps using XPC tools and ATItools in windows. CPU typically 49C under load, board @43C. Grfx card at 52C, mostly due to poor circulation (need blowhole at fan intake).
                    My PSU is most likely the culprit due to age and load, but is also an expensive fix, so I will exhaust all else first.

                    Of course, I just talked to my wife, and it started up just fine for her. Go figure.
                    I'll go cruise hardwareguys.

                    Thanks again.
                    Shuttle SK43G Barton 2500+<br />1G Corsair DDR333<br />WD SATA 120G and 320G<br />Sapphire x1550 256mg AGP

