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Booting Problems

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    Booting Problems

    I had a dual boot system with Windows and Mandrake installed. I just attempted to replace Mandrake with Kubuntu 7.04. I used the Alternate LiveCD to install it. I changed the partition areas used by Mandrake to allow Kubuntu to install in those areas. The installation went smoothly and everything seemed to run properly. When finished I attempted to reboot but this failed. I got the following messages:

    PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable
    PXE-MOF: Intel Boot Agent
    No bootable device--insert boot disk and press any key

    I went into the BIOS and saw nothing unusual. However, I'm not very knowledgable about it.

    I then loaded the Kubuntu LiveCD and it worked. Then I reinstalled Kubuntu. Same results. Same error messages.

    Should I use SuperGrubDisk to try to fix the booting problem, is there something else I should be doing?

    Thank you!

    Re: Booting Problems

    FYI, the LiveCD install should have offered to install grub at the end of the install. If it did, I'm not sure why you're getting the error. Maybe try installing grub manually from the LiveCD (I'll let you search for the method because I haven't done it that way). Sounds like the MBR is not right, like the hard drive isn't bootable.

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      Re: Booting Problems

      Forget my question about using SuperGrubDisk. It won't load. I get a GRUB prompt which I can't get around.

      As for the LiveCD, I don't recall any option to install GRUB. I'll keep trying.


        Re: Booting Problems

        I meant install grub from a console window in LiveCD... something like
        sudo grub-install /dev/hda
        But you may want to look up the details - I haven't done it that way and I'm not even sure if the LiveCD has grub-install, but it probably does. If not you could use Systemrescuecd: which I know has it.
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          Re: Booting Problems

          When I executed

          sudo grub-install /dev/hda

          from the console, the output was:

          /dev/hda: Not found or not a block device.

          This means nothing to me. I hope it does to you.


            Re: Booting Problems

            Yeah, apparently that is an issue with the liveCD. I'm going to refer you here...

            I suggest you browse that entire thread to familiarize yourself with the issues before attempting anything. Sorry I can't be more help but as I said I've never done it that way so I don't want to mislead you. You can also search for other howto's on the subject - that was just one I came across.

            Also the sysrescd I mentioned might support grub-install - it looked it did in the docs.
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              Re: Booting Problems

              BTW I should point out that those instructions are intended to replace the MBR boot code. They assume you have a /boot/grub folder on the partition you installed Kubuntu on. If that is missing I'm not sure what you should do - the installer should have created that. Maybe that issue comes up somewhere in that giant grub thread.

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                Re: Booting Problems

                I followed the procedure used in


                Everything went according to the procedure. I found grub stage1 at hdo,4. I installed grub there and got a "success" response. Then I quit and rebooted. Nothing changed. Same three error messages.

                This is getting maddening.

                I'll keep searching.


                  Re: Booting Problems

                  Yeah that is strange. It sounds like grub is installed, though. I took a quick look on google...



                  Not sure if there's anything helpful there but that error almost sounds more hardware or BIOS related - maybe something related to boot device order or a network card configured as a higher priority boot device? Can you disable boot agent in the BIOS? (one person said it cured a similar problem)

                  Just trying to give you some ideas to explore.
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