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Best installation method

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    Best installation method

    Hello all,

    I am having to re-install my Kubuntu and I am planning on using Feisty. My delima is how to go about the install. I have two different ways to do it but I am unsure if it would make a difference in the long run either when it comes to help in the community or in other ways.

    1. Install straight Kubuntu

    2. Install Ubuntu then install the KDE desktop.

    The one thing that got me debating this is when I search for help on something it seems usually I find posts that describe how to do it using Ubuntu only to find some commands are different or I don't have some of the apps/tools they are describing. Even on this forum I find people referencing "GDM" in their posts when Kubuntu by default uses "KDM". For a noob this can be very frustrating.

    If would make a difference yes I do want too use Beryl or Compiz. I know Gnome has better effects for this but I am very partial to KDE.... Torn between to lovers...KDE desktop and awesome desktop graphics! DAMN!

    Re: Best installation method

    Depending on your hardware, esp. the graphics, the native Kubuntu 7.04 will be very happy to run every feature in Beryl. I have it with a nice skydome, Emerald window decorator, and a custom photo for desktop background. I think the key is how well your graphics chip and driver will manage glx and gl extensions and compositing -- not whether you use Kubuntu or Ubuntu.

    FYI, on my 64-bit Ubuntu installation (same platform, different partition), Beryl doesn't work very well -- it is buggy and unstable. Go figure ...


      Re: Best installation method

      On the hardware side it is a PIA due to intergrated Intel graphics chipset and I am using a PCI nVidia FX5200 graphics adapter. No matter what you tell the BIOS it seems all Linux installers still look at the intergrated adapter and assume it is to use that. So its a dance of the editor with xorg and blacklist files to get the graphics card I want in place after the initial installation.

      It sounds like as it pertains to the use of Beryl I can still use KDE and be happy... Thanks much for letting me know. I really don't care for Gnome, I find it oddly frustrating.

      I will be re-installing tonight.


        Re: Best installation method

        Good luck with that re-installation!

