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Kubuntu 7.04 Installer Fails on Partition Screen (Step 4 of 6)

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    Kubuntu 7.04 Installer Fails on Partition Screen (Step 4 of 6)

    My system is a clone, ASUS A7V8X Mobo, 512MB RAM, 320GB HD over two drives, a Western Digital and a Maxtor, one 120GB one 200GB, GeForce4 video with 64MB RAM, ViewSonic 6 monitor.

    Currently dual booting with Windows XP on one drive, Kubuntu 6.10 on the other, numerous partitions in FAT32 to share files between the two OS.

    Today Kubuntu 6.10 finally irritated me beyond all recognition by randomly slowing down and speeding back up. A couple programs installed last night may have done the damage, I don't know. I have no clue how to debug the issues as everything is slow: Konqueror is slow to copy files, slow to open directories, clicking on anything the response is slow - then suddenly it will go back to normal. Top shows nothing unusual, neither does ps -ef - all normal stuff running. Everything looks normal - except the system is unusable.

    I wasn't going to upgrade to 7.04 for another month or so to make sure the bugs were worked out, but now I have no choice.

    So I spend an hour downloading the i386 Live CD.

    I boot it.

    First of all, this Live CD is the slowest I've ever used. Knoppix beats it in speed by a country mile. Could be the Kubuntu people should be talking to Klaus for some tips.

    Second, it finally comes up. I click on the Install icon. It goes through steps 1 through 3, gets to the "How do you want to partition the disk?" screen. But that's all that's on that screen - that question.

    The hard drive light is on almost continuously for the next ten or fifteen minutes, the CD revs up now and then. But nothing else happens. Finally I cancel the install.

    Is this thing trying to read the entire 320GB of disk on the system or what the hell is it doing?

    When I installed 6.10 I ran into the problem that when you got to the change mount points screen, you couldn't exit it. This proved to me that the ENTIRE Kubuntu install had NEVER BEEN TESTED AT ALL!

    Now I run into this nonsense with the current Live CD installer.

    Anybody got any ideas?

    Because right now I don't have time for this nonsense. I'm torn between downloading the alternate text installer and trying that - since the consensus from a Google search is that Ubiquity is a piece of crap that doesn't work - or switching to Mandriva Spring or PCLinuxOS. I'd prefer to stick with Kubuntu and use Automatix2 to reload a lot of stuff I need, but if I have to, I'm going to blow Kubuntu off and go back to something that works.

    This is the SECOND install of Kubuntu that I've had a ridiculous problem with. My hardware is pure vanilla clone stuff - there is NOTHING here that any Linux distro can't deal with (except for the ViewSonic 6 monitor which always needs me to change the horizontal refresh in the X config.) Yet this is the second time that Kubuntu can't even install on it.


    Somebody tell Shuttleworth - and Dell before they lose customers to this - that the installer process needs to take priority in QA over Beryl and the rest of the eye candy they seem to be spending the bulk of their time on over there...

    If Ubiquity can't be made to work, DUMP IT!

    Sorry for the rant, but I am EXTREMELY IRRITATED right now. I used Mandriva for a year with no problems. I've had several issues with Kubuntu beyond the install, and now a complete system failure and a failure to install the latest version. Much as I hate Windows XP (I only dual boot it because I do PC tech support mostly for Windows clients - and trying to get away from that to Linux conversions!), my experience with Kubuntu has not been good.

    Anybody got any ideas why the installer hangs at that point? Is the only solution to use the alternate installer?


    Re: Kubuntu 7.04 Installer Fails on Partition Screen (Step 4 of 6)

    Your ranting aside, albight understandable. I don't know what the cause of the problem is but this is an idea. You can only have 4 primary partitions on a HD. If that is the case you will have to change at least one to an extended partition. Just don't change your win partition (probably hda1 or C)!! Windows does not like that at all. For more info on partitioning and a usefull tool have a look here:

    Another idea is that you cd was burnt faster than 4x. Sometimes this corupts the burn.
    Have a look at this:

    The alt cd is deffinately more reliable for installation.

    I hope that helps

    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10

