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Kubuntu didn't recognize my monitor.

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    Kubuntu didn't recognize my monitor.

    I recently installed Kubuntu 7.04 on my machine and ran into a following monitor problem.

    It obviously didn't recognize my monitor correctly, with the result that the live CD never opened up to present me with the nice graphical installation tool. So I installed the system using the cursors installer. That was fine, no complaint there.

    When the system booted for the first time. The display was all klucked up. What I saw was two partial windows stacked one above the other. Couldn't get to the big blue K to reboot the system. I eventually got the system to run by using knoppix to overwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf with the xorg.conf from my running dapper system from another partition on /dev/hda.

    Two things surprised me. First, if dapper could recognize my monitor but feisty couldn't (actually edgy couldn't either) something got dropped in the recognition code. In fact, it seemed as though the monitor data base may have gotten pruned.

    Second, I had previously installed Ubuntu 7.04, just to see if the desktop effects would would work with my graphics card. (It helped me install the nvidia driver just fine and desktop effects worked fine.) The live CD worked as advertised and the system booted with my monitor working just fine. So, it seems that the hardware recognition or support code is different between the two systems. And that seems odd.

    My question is: Is there a better way to get my monitor supported than to just jam a copy of xorg.conf from another system?

    I had experimented with Ubuntu because I read on the web that it automated the installation proprietary nvidia drivers and setting up desktop effects. I was quite pleased with the way that all worked.

    My question is: Can someone point me to a description of how to install and configure that driver in my system and desktop effects?

    Thanks in Advance,
