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how to update harddrives

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    how to update harddrives

    HI I been searching but I guess I don't no what search term to use. Anyway my setup is below

    hdc1> kubuntu 7.04
    I installed a fresh copy of kubuntu on hda3 as / and hda5 as swap because hdc1 was only four GBs and I was out of space. So now that I have 30GBs of space on hda3 I removed hdc and updated my floppy boot disk and grub menu on it and hda3 but when I boot up I get errors telling me it can't find hdc but lets me boot anyway. Is there any command I can do to tell the system to update its self to the new config? I think I have to updage fstab but how>

    Thanks for anyone who can help.

    ok I figured it out. I made a copy of fstab and then removed the stuff that was old and updated grub and updated menu on my floppy and all is working fine.