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Trying to get tap-to-click to work with my synaptics touchpad <workaround found>

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    Trying to get tap-to-click to work with my synaptics touchpad <workaround found>

    I'm trying to get tap-to-click to work with my synaptics touchpad, it's disabled by default.

    In my xorg.conf, I have the following:
    Section "InputDevice"
     Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
     Driver   "synaptics"
     Option   "SendCoreEvents"  "true"
     Option   "Device"      "/dev/psaux"
     Option   "Protocol"     "auto-dev"
     Option   "TapButton1"    "1"
     Option   "TapButton2"    "2"
     Option   "TapButton3"    "3"
     Option   "VertEdgeScroll"  "1"
     Option   "HorizEdgeScroll" "1"
     Option   "SingleTapTimeout" "120"
     Option   "MaxDoubleTapTime" "60"
     Option   "ClickTime"    "0"
     Option   "FastTaps"     "1"
     Option   "SHMConfig"    "on"
    However when I boot and have a look at the settings, the options for "TapButtonX" are not set and remain at "0"
    ~$ synclient -l
    Parameter settings:
      LeftEdge       = 1471
      RightEdge      = 5627
      TopEdge       = 1206
      BottomEdge      = 5100
      FingerLow      = 38
      FingerHigh      = 43
      MaxTapTime      = 248
      MaxTapMove      = 220
      MaxDoubleTapTime   = 60
      SingleTapTimeout   = 120
      ClickTime      = 0
      FastTaps       = 1
      EmulateMidButtonTime = 75
      VertScrollDelta   = 100
      HorizScrollDelta   = 100
      VertEdgeScroll    = 1
      HorizEdgeScroll   = 1
      VertTwoFingerScroll = 0
      HorizTwoFingerScroll = 0
      MinSpeed       = 0.0822368
      MaxSpeed       = 0.197368
      AccelFactor     = 0.00164474
      EdgeMotionMinZ    = 30
      EdgeMotionMaxZ    = 160
      EdgeMotionMinSpeed  = 1
      EdgeMotionMaxSpeed  = 304
      EdgeMotionUseAlways = 1
      UpDownScrolling   = 1
      LeftRightScrolling  = 1
      UpDownRepeat     = 1
      LeftRightRepeat   = 1
      ScrollButtonRepeat  = 100
      TouchpadOff     = 2
      GuestMouseOff    = 0
      LockedDrags     = 0
      RTCornerButton    = 2
      RBCornerButton    = 1
      LTCornerButton    = 0
      LBCornerButton    = 0
      TapButton1      = 0
      TapButton2      = 0
      TapButton3      = 0
      CircularScrolling  = 0
      CircScrollDelta   = 0.05
      CircScrollTrigger  = 1
      CircularPad     = 0
      PalmDetect      = 1
      PalmMinWidth     = 10
      PalmMinZ       = 200
      CoastingSpeed    = 0
      PressureMotionMinZ  = 30
      PressureMotionMaxZ  = 160
      PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
      PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1
    I can manually set the TapButton settings using
    ~$ synclient TapButton1=1
    and everything works like I want it.

    I'm new to Linux so I don't know if I have done something wrong or if this is a Bug?

    Re: Is this a Bug or am I doing something wrong?

    two things:

    my touch pad does click when I tap it, this might be a simple KDE feature you might need to look into since I'm still using Dapper here on my laptop.

    Second, change the subject line so you can get others to know what you are seeking. Something like:
    "trying to get tap-to-click to work with my synaptics touchpad" would be MUCH better to help you get answers faster, plus help others who search for keywords like synaptics touchpad and tap-to-click.

    Hope you get it figured out.

    wishing you well
    --<br />wishing you well


      Re: Is this a Bug or am I doing something wrong?

      Thanks a_hippie, I'll change the title!

      I found a workaround to my problem that sorts out the tap-to-click issue. It doesn't directly fix my problem, which I'm guessing is a bug.

      I added a script to the $HOME/.kde/Autostart folder and added the following lines to it:

      synclient TapButton1=1
      synclient TapButton2=2
      synclient TapButton3=3
      This now enables tap-to-click but doesn't really solve the issue! But at least I can work the way I like

