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Sloppy Startup & Shutdown - splash screen wierdness

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    Sloppy Startup & Shutdown - splash screen wierdness

    I have Kubuntu running pretty darn good on my laptop, and I have all the video tweaks done to my satisfaction, so I have no problems with resolution, screen size, etc...

    I'm down to something more nit-picky here... (comparison to Ubuntu)

    On my Ubuntu Desktop system running Dapper, the boot and shutdown process looks great with the splash screen. After the system POST it goes to the Ubuntu Splash screen and scrolls all the startup messages nicely then goes directly to the login screen. Like-wise shutdown goes straight back to the splash screen until it says 'will now halt' and it's done. -Perfect - I love it.

    However, now on my Laptop Kubuntu Fiesty it is very different and ugly..

    After POST, I get an ugly generic black screen / large white text scrolling of messages for a few seconds. Then it blacks out, then I get the (expected) Blue Kubuntu splash which scrolls along some more messages for a bit, then it blacks out and goes back to the black screen with white text to scroll even more messages for another second, before hitting the login.

    Shutdown is even worse - there are like 5 possible wierd things that happen on shutdown

    1) the screen showns white flashing pixels scattered on a black screen
    2) I get colored ASCII blocks flashing on the screen
    3) I get weird multi colored lines in random places
    4) the screen goes all gray
    5) the screen goes all black

    Whichever happens, it sits like that for a bit while things are shutting down, the drive light is the only thing that lets me know it is doing anything.

    Then at the last moment, I get the nice Kubuntu splash screen, that only lists a couple of lines and says 'will now halt' and it shuts off...

    Is there a good place to find out more about the startup shutdown sequences to find out why the splash screen is not just there throughout the whole process?

    Like I said in Ubuntu Dapper, it behaves exactly as expected, so I'm not sure why it is so drastically different in Feisty here.


    Re: Sloppy Startup & Shutdown - splash screen wierdness

    I've told this to many as a long shot, but it worked in my case on a couple of machines and it may help you:
    My Post at end of string
    Numerous post by me there


      Re: Sloppy Startup & Shutdown - splash screen wierdness

      Thanks for the suggestion MoonRise, but that did not change the behaviour.

      It did however make the white scrolling text more readable. Before it was in very large font, like it was at 640x480 and every line was wrapping at the edge of the screen. I set the vga=xxx to a 1024x768 resolution, and now the font is much smaller, so the lines don't wrap.

      So, just for the time being, I edited the menu.lst and removed 'splash'.

      I'd prefer to have the splash, but just having a decent looking text-based boot/shutdown scroll is way better than what I had going on before.

      Hopefully I'll find a solution that someone has come up with. If I do, I'll post it back here.



        Re: Sloppy Startup & Shutdown - splash screen wierdness

        Sorry it didn't totally solve your problem. If I ever run across something in regards to this, I'll post here as well.


          Re: Sloppy Startup & Shutdown - splash screen wierdness

          Hi guys,

          Unfortunately, I do believe our valid suggestions are never heard; But it makes me feel better when able to rant!

          I personally do not like the splash screen at all (even in programs, splash screens drive me nuts!). I prefer to simply wait at a blank screen until the login menu is displayed (it generally knocks seconds off boot times). But...

          There is the perception that the word "quiet" is not being heard either (so it's not just our meagre voices being ignored) when placed in the boot menu. Feisty is rather verbose about what it's up to instead of only reporting exceptions. Maybe three levels are now needed "silence", "quiet", and "verbose".


