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Help on partitioning

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    Help on partitioning

    I have an existing system with Windows XP on it and I want to keep Windows. It has an HD with approximately 230G on it. I want to set up partitions so Kubuntu gets some 10 to 15G plus 1 or 2G for swap and whatever else it needs.

    Partitioning in this case must be done right the first time since I don't want to screw up the Windows installation. Can anybody point me to detailed instructions on how to use the partitioner to accomplish what I've described here without messing anything up?

    I've cancelled install a couple of times after getting to the partitioning step because I can't figure out how to tell the program just what I want to do. Surely there are detailed instructions SOMEWHERE

    Re: Help on partitioning

    Download and burn a copy of GPARTED. boot up with this and shrink the size of windows to what you want it to be.

    I have done this many times and no problem. doesn't mean there won't ever be problems. But I have not exprienced any.

    Make a 15 gig partition for root
    make a 10 gig partition for home
    make a 1.5 times your memory for swap.
    Also make a 30 gig or so for storage in linux. This is where you should keep files and photo's and songs and whatever you want to keep. So if you need to reinstall kubuntu you do not loose anything important.

    This is where Thunderbird email should have its email stored also.

    So how much you leave for windows is up to you and how much you want for a storage partition.

    Remember you can see EXT3 partition in windows XP.

    I have thunderbird also in windows and it red my email from my ext3 stroage partition in linux.

    Hope this helps you out.


      Re: Help on partitioning

      Thanks very much. I was afraid this question would go unanswered. I'll give that a try and see how things go.


        Re: Help on partitioning

        Originally posted by femens
        Thanks very much. I was afraid this question would go unanswered. I'll give that a try and see how things go.
        If you can back up your important windows files.

