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booting too long, X won't work after manual config

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    booting too long, X won't work after manual config

    how come Feisty takes to boot like forever? i've timed it and it's almost or over 2 minutes before i get to the KDE login. i run recovery mode more than once and i noticed that it's taking too long on the network configuration part before it drops to a shell. this shouldn't be the case as i've used suse and fedora for how many years. my suse 9.3 desktop on a very hot Athlon CPU, with old everything, even boots in just a few seconds over a minute. while this laptop is an Intel dual core, SATA, over a Gig of memory... this shouldn't matter very much but it should even a little.

    also i'm trying to take out those wacom entries under xorg.conf for tablet PC and X seems to fail on the next reboot. am i missing something?

    sorry guys, i'm new to *ubuntu. been using it for like a week only. i love it. it should be the same, but i'm stumped! it doesn't work like suse or fedora.

    even configuring the wireless to a static IP doesn't seem to work at all no matter what i do. ack! this is crazy! LOLz.. . hehe.. . this is fun!

    perhaps i should just leave it alone. everything just works for this distro! amazing!? but i need the hibernate thing to work! i can't always shutdown and have my laptop boot up for ages. rather have it suspend to disk. should be faster that way especially if i'm just going around and not leave the laptop for too long.

    Re: booting too long, X won't work after manual config

    seam broadloom put my be ( ub to 3 min )

    i try BootUp-Manager to control it

    and Kwlan to control wireless


      Re: booting too long, X won't work after manual config

      Before allowing GRUB to start the boot process (press ESC when it starts to count down for Boot) edit the first entry in the Boot menu and remove "splash quiet" (this will be a one time thing, it doesn't actually change the configuration file that displays the Boot Menu). Once removed, let it boot, you will see all that is loading on boot. See if you note any "error" messages (if any).


        Re: booting too long, X won't work after manual config

        Originally posted by zero1

        also i'm trying to take out those wacom entries under xorg.conf for tablet PC and X seems to fail on the next reboot. am i missing something?
        You need to comment out the 3 lines in the "ServerLayout" stanza that refer to wacom, then you need to comment out the entire 3 stanzas that cover "eraser", "stylus", and "cursor".

        2 minutes really isn't a long boot cycle -- the only way to beat that is if you're using "hibernation", I think.

        Two cents' worth.

