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recovering from a failed Edgy to Feisty dist upgrade...

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    recovering from a failed Edgy to Feisty dist upgrade...

    I had it all working the way I wanted it. All set up and configured just about perfectly ... Sometimes I forget my hard learnt lessons about doing a complete backup before trying these new bells and whistles . I am referring of course to the dist upgrade from Edgy to Feisty.

    Well now i've run the dist upgrade over an Edgy installation with twin Nvidia cards running in SLI and a kernel mode Nvidia driver installed, also with Beryl. Not a smart thing to do.

    With the new kernel ( i think), it doesn't get to x. After the shiny new Kubuntu startup splash screen, it drops back to a blank screen with a blinking cursor. No login prompt, nothing. It sits there for as long as I can stand to wait for it.

    If I restart and then load the previous kernel for which the Nvidia kernel mode driver was installed, it boots without a problem, KDE desktop and all.

    I first assumed this was because I had the Driver installed in Kernel mode and had to reinstall it for the new kernel. No problem, I knew this proceedure from the last kernel update. Went through the steps, rebooted, same problem... Blank screen blinking cursor, nada.

    The system still works fine with the previous kernel, i believe. I just cannot start the system with the new kernel.

    I am not a total newb at this, but certainly no expert either. No stranger to the command line, but am from a Windows background previously. I rely on things like Automatix and such to install and configure most things for me as I just don't have that much time to learn every byte of code and command under the hood of this nice operating system. Thats why these forums are priceless with the help and info they encourage.

    So now i'm faced with a dilemna. Do I backup my data, wipe and reinstall Feisty from scratch? Do I try and fix the problem? Is it a legitimate bug?

    • chris  m •

    Re: recovering from a failed Edgy to Feisty dist upgrade...


    How did you try to fix your problem ? Did you try to recompile the module with latest kernel started or from the previous one (2.6.17) ? I guess you should do it with the latest and to get to the console by Ctrl+Alt+F1
    anyway it would be good idea to backup your datas.

