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3 hour file system check....

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    3 hour file system check....

    Feisty Fawn 7.04

    I dual boot 7.04. On boot, the text reports it is checking the file system and that the XP partitions (hdbx) report the wrong numbers of clusters. It checks hdb3 and hdb5 for close to 3 hours on EACH BOOT!

    The first time I thought it was fixing them so I let it run but it does it EVERY TIME. Now that is a slow boot....

    To avoid this I unplugged the XP HD and the boot is not delayed.

    What should I do to fix this delay. It is not the message about which I comment. It is that it may be checking it instead of fixing them and the incident delay is a big deal.

    What should I do...short of fdisking the drive or eliminating the XP though I hardly use it?

    --- Bob ---

    Re: 3 hour file system check....


    in the file /etc/fstab, you should set the last column (6th) for these drives to 0, so fsck will not check them.

    Hope it helps


      Re: 3 hour file system check....

      Thank you. That did it...(of course).

      From Linux I have access to the XP partitions where I have needed data.

      Now I will be able to copy files on the XP to the Linux paritions.

      Then I will reorganize the XP one and then copy the files back to it. ...You get the idea....



