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install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.

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    install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.

    Hi all,

    starting the thread afresh - consolidating info...

    I get the following error message on boot

    Starting up ...
    Loading, please wait...
    mdadm: No devices listed in conf file were found.
    kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/10f5b591-e847-4203-9e51-b9e810fc9d8d) = hda5(3,5)
    kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/10f5b591-e847-4203-9e51-b9e810fc9d8d
    kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

    Ubuntu 7.04 beetlejuice tty1

    beetlejuice login:

    clearly something is wrong

    I suspect mdadm but can't tell for sure - I answered 'all' for the mdadm option on upgrading.

    my system shouldn't be using UUIDs for it's primary drives (but has some mounted from an old system)

    things I've tried...

    changing the /boot/grub/menu.lst to place the /dev/hda2 back in the right place.
    ditto on boot by editing the grub menu
    editing fstab

    note that from windows there doesn't seem to be a /dev/disk/by-UUID/ folder - is it created on the fly?

    A google search for the phrase
    kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

    brings up discussions about beta versions install from CD and after partition changes...

    I'm really lost here and need help... the system is fracked. is there additional info I can give that will help? install logs, Xorg logs, etc.

    SOme one suggested that re-config of xserver-xorg should do the trick - it didn't - don't beleive that is the problem anyway.

    Re: install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.


    I have a similar problem. Not exactly the same, but perhaps caused by the same issue.

    All of this is on a Dell Latitude D420 with standard components. (I am not very good with hardware parameters to be much more specific).

    This problem only occurs when I boot to the 2.6.20-15 kernel and non-existent with my older 2.6.17-11 kernel.

    1) I do get the same initial error message:

    Starting up ...
    Loading, please wait...
    mdadm: No devices listed in conf file were found.

    Then the system waits for my input to start "normal boot".

    I do not have a problem with disk/by-uuid after that, however, the strange thing is that

    2) my disk, that used to be "hda" gets mounted as "sda" and consequently an additional entry from fstab is not found (since it is listed as "hda2"). So strictly speaking only the boot partition gets mounted.

    3) I also answered "all" for the question about mdadm during upgrade and I suspect that is what I should not have done and that is why my disk is mounted as sda.

    4) I tried disabling mdadm unsuccessfully. I am not even sure that it is a good idea, but I was willing to experiment. I have probably not done the right way, because it had no effect.
    This is what I tried:
    a) set the activate at boot flag for mdadm to "No" in the services dialog box inside system settings.
    b) tried editing and removing "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf". It gets regenerated.

    It seems that people experienced similar problems years ago with early versions of (k)ubuntu. In one of the threads from that time the workaround suggested was to remove that file. It does not seem to work this time.

    Any ideas?



    Originally posted by bulwynkl
    Hi all,

    starting the thread afresh - consolidating info...

    I get the following error message on boot

    Starting up ...
    Loading, please wait...
    mdadm: No devices listed in conf file were found.
    kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/10f5b591-e847-4203-9e51-b9e810fc9d8d) = hda5(3,5)
    kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/10f5b591-e847-4203-9e51-b9e810fc9d8d
    kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

    Ubuntu 7.04 beetlejuice tty1

    beetlejuice login:

    clearly something is wrong

    I suspect mdadm but can't tell for sure - I answered 'all' for the mdadm option on upgrading.

    my system shouldn't be using UUIDs for it's primary drives (but has some mounted from an old system)

    things I've tried...

    changing the /boot/grub/menu.lst to place the /dev/hda2 back in the right place.
    ditto on boot by editing the grub menu
    editing fstab

    note that from windows there doesn't seem to be a /dev/disk/by-UUID/ folder - is it created on the fly?

    A google search for the phrase
    kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

    brings up discussions about beta versions install from CD and after partition changes...

    I'm really lost here and need help... the system is fracked. is there additional info I can give that will help? install logs, Xorg logs, etc.

    SOme one suggested that re-config of xserver-xorg should do the trick - it didn't - don't beleive that is the problem anyway.


      Re: install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.

      if you don't have any md devices configured, i'd say just forget about that message.
      or uninstall md related stuff.

      refers to your system checking your default swap partition for an image to resume from.
      if it doesn't find it, it just boots normally.
      again, i'd say, normal behaviour.

      X server...
      for sure the X server has nothing to do with all this!
      so, i'd say: don't mess about with that.

      sd is for scsi disks, or disks accessed through the scsi emulation layer.
      have all your partitions changed from hd to sd?
      i haven't investigated this, but it could be that feisty forces everything through the scsi emulation...

      gnu/linux is not windoze


        Re: install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.

        I had the same problem as you, but I think I found a work around. My grub screen only grew longer, so instead of choosing the newest kernel, I went for the second oldest. Looking at Synaptic, Settings>Repositories, look under the tab for 'Updates'. If Feisty is in the field, you're in the game.
        Be sure to uncheck and not delete any reference to 'Edgy' in the tab for 'Third-Party'. You can look up their sites to get the correct info to edit them, and reactivate them later.

        I'm not sure what "jankushka" was trying to convey, but starting in a graphical boot, then dropping into text mode is not normal. Something is amiss.

        I just thought of something, do you have Win4Lin?
        The word "can't" does not exist in my vocabulary.


          Re: install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.

          I have the same problem but was solved and actually come back!! And I don't know why, my system was working and everything was blocked without apparent reason. After that also grub didn't work so I reinstall it and I was able to start but arrived a shell login request. I loged in and type kdm, so everything starts with kde but something is very wrong, network manager doesn't work, synaptic dowload updates but don't install them and a lot of annoying problems.
          There is a bug or a way to solve that stupid thing with uuid? have we change hd to sd? rewrite fstab in that way?
          Please is a very huge problem for everyone I think


            Re: install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.

            Originally posted by vanaedium
            rewrite fstab in that way?
            I think you are on the right track by suspecting a problem with fstab.

            Try commenting out the lines in fstab that mount your file systems by UUID and putting in lines that mount them with the device name. SDA1, SDA2, etc.

            I think UUIDs get changed somehow without automatically updating fstab. Be sure and make a backup before changing fstab, and know how to restore the backup before rebooting.


              Re: install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.

              Originally posted by Detonate
              I think UUIDs get changed somehow without automatically updating fstab.
              After comparing the entries for /boot/grub/menu.1st, (with three kernel versions; 2.6.20-15, 17-11and 17-10) plus the entries for fstab and fstab.edgy, all instances of / have the same uuid's. Also, the uuids for all of my other folders are matching. So it can't be fstab.

              Forget the question about Win4Lin, I realized after post, that I was running in 2.6.17-11.

              I'm trying this under the 64-bit version. Is anyone else?
              The word "can't" does not exist in my vocabulary.


                Re: install failure: kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-UUID/ etc.

                Hi all,

                my original question is still unanswered... :-(

                I've fiddled with grub and fstab with no effect. Because I've made a mistake on upgrade it seems to think I have a LVM based system when I actually don't. It seems to have configured everything on that basis and hence the system will fail to boot properly because it cant find root, etc. (/dev/disk/* does not exist)

                is there anywhere I can atleast examine the install script that did the damage and try and work out what systems were affected.

                If I have to do a reinstall (re-upgrade), can I and if so how? if I do a fresh install, is there a painless way to rebuild my accounts and settings?

                At the moment I am stuck in windows land... HELP!!!

