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LiveCD crashes on install

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    LiveCD crashes on install

    Gets about 1/5 of the way through the bar loading off CD and just hangs. Any idea of what I can see the specific error is?

    PC is an older Athlon PC3200 (2.2ghz) with nforce2 board and about 1.2gb of RAM. It has an old Nvidia FX5200 card.

    Runs XP, and also had 6.10 running fine on it. This appears specific to Fiesty.

    I have done a memory check, no errors. I have done a disc/media check from the CD and it comes up with no errors (so I believe the CD I burned is fine)

    I tried removing the old partition entirely, in case it was trying to read the old data, but still no success.

    Bit disappointed. Even windows will at least install itself before crashing

    Re: LiveCD crashes on install

    It's not crashing. There's probably some kind of hardware incompatibility. I have seen this more freqently with AMD processors.

    When you boot the live CD, you'll see a menu of choices. Hit the F-key for the one regrding boot options (I forget the sequence, but you'll see it).

    You will be presented with a screen with the options listed. At the very end of the options line, type in "noapic" and/or "nolapic". Usually only the first one is necessary, but you can also try with both. Use "noapic" if you only use one, I don't think "nolapic" by itself will work.

    Then continue the boot.

    That might help. I have this issue late last year with an HP laptop using an AMD-64 chip. That option worked every time.

    Once the install is complete and successful, you should edit the boot segment for the partition in /boot/grub/menu.lst and add that option (it isn't added by default).

    If you search this or other Linux forums for "noapic", you'll find more about this.

    Also, you might try the alternate install CD image. I've heard that works well for people having hardware detection issues. But my money is on the "noapic" option working in this case.
    Joe<br />in Florida


      Re: LiveCD crashes on install

      Unfortunately I just tried this a few times before, and no success.

      I did manage to get it to boot successfully *once* by using the "Safe Graphics Mode" option. It got past where it usually stopped, but looks like it choose a refresh rate incompatible with my monitor - as the monitor turned off. Any subsequent booting, and it would not progress past this again. Seems quite random.

      I may try this 'alternative' CD - but that is another 700mb download. We don't get much download limits here in Australia.


        Re: LiveCD crashes on install

        Solved the problem

        Did a 'verbose' instead of 'quiet', and removed 'splash' on the F6 menu during boot, so I could see what was actually being loaded..

        Ended up getting to CX88: registered device radio0

        and this is where it was crashing.. few lines up I noticed that this was where it was loading my old Winfast XP2000 analogue TV card. Took that out of the machine (hardly use it anymore anyhow) - and installing as we speak

        So.. looks like possible incompatibility with XP2000 TV card here? if anybody else is having trouble, worth investigating if you have this particular card.

