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installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up

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    Re: installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up

    Okay after running

    $ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log
    i am not sure how to enter
    | grep EE
    that sorry

    but after running that screen goes really fast and all i could see is

    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "640x480" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "640x480" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "1400x1050" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "1152x864" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "720x400" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "640x400" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "640x400" (no mode of this name)
    (II) VESA(0) : Not using built-in mode "640x350" (no mode of this name)
    (WW) VESA(o) : Not Valid Modes left. Trying less strict filter...

    0 : /user/bin/X(xf86SigHandler+0x81) [0x80c5d91]
    1 ; [0xffffe420]
    2 : /usr/bin/X(InitOutput+0x9aa) [0x80a5b9a]
    3 : /usr/bin/X(main+0x27b) [0x807456b]
    4 : /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ _libc_start_main+0xdc) [0xb7d74ebc]
    5 : /usr/bin/X(FontFileCompleteXLFD+0x1e1) [0x8073ab1]

    Fatal server error :
    Caught signal 11. Server aborting



      Re: installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up

      OK. That seems quite similar to:

      So you have hit a hard bug .

      I will add a notice to this thread to the bug report. Please, give us all the info about your hardware that you can.

      It's quite unlikely that this will be solved fast .

      We can try a different driver and see what happens.



        Re: installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up


        In an earlier post I mentioned that I'd had a similar problem with my nvidia card. The way I fixed my problem was basically to uninstall/turn off the drivers supplied by kubuntu and directly install the drivers from nvidia. (kubuntu's drivers were not the latest for nvidia, and they probably aren't the latest for ati either).

        try downloading the appropriate ATI installer from, put it on a cd or flash drive and move it to your new installation

        As I said, I've only done this with nvidia but the process is probably fairly similar. The installers will probably want you to turn off any x servers already running. One way to do this is to boot into the recovery mode at startup. It shouldnt even try to start X

        I believe you'll also want to be in run level 3 when you run the installer. At the prompt just type 'telinit 3' or, if it complains you dont have the proper authority, 'sudo telinit 3'.

        If by chance kdm started, or tried to start then you might have to stop it with 'kdm stop'
        or 'sudo kdm stop'

        Then run the installer, and do whatever it tells you to do. If everything goes well, when the installer is done you should be able to type startx at a prompt and have kde appear. Worked for me anyway.

        If this all seems like a giant hassle, you're right. It's not usually this difficult, but feisty seems to have shipped with screwed up drivers. There are a lot of other people complaining about similar problems. One thing you might want to do before you get too frustrated is just drop back to kubuntu 6.10. There isnt much difference between that and 7.04 and it's been around longer and should have problems like this already ironed out. It's usually a good idea to be wary of big upgrades since they are usually a bit buggy.


          Re: installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up (solved)

          okay guys i finally figured it out how to install ATI driver

          1. after booting in from live cd
          2. make sure you have wired to active internet connection
          2. Select Safe Graphics Mode
          3. Press F4 and Select 1024x768x16 (i tried other resolutions but didnt work)
          4. Press F6 and remove options for quiet and splash
          5. and when it stopped at

          * Checking battery state ...                                     [OK]
          Starting K Display Manager : kdm.
                                  * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [OK]

          sudo -s

          apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx
          (and it will ask for download and stuff .. answer yes, and when it stops configuring )


          sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
          9. In Section ¨Device¨ change ¨vesa¨ to ¨fglrx¨

          10. CTRL-X to save

          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
          and i got to desktop

          i had to repeate the same process after i install Kubuntu 7.04.

          @ jwebster8 thanks for ur response but i am not that advanced in linux hope to get there someday.

          @ javierrivera thanks for all ur help to kind sir but i just had to figure it out even after it could have been bug too

          @ coonj i am sure you must have figured out how to install Nvidia drivers by now

          and i would like to thank anyone else who helped me too or even thought about it after reading.

          source :
          ( there is one more method described there but i got to the desktop before that)


          i am sure this shouldnt be on this page but would some be kind enough to guide me to right place so i can proceed further in my linux quest.

          after in got it installed and stuff.. when i logged back in my desktop resolution is still so low.. i am not sure how would i install or update the to ati's latest linux driver? .. i tried followin guide on
          but i dont know how to even do this
          Enable "restricted" Repository
          Make sure the restricted repository is enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list or this guide will not work!
          and to get to this "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" i used konsole from start menu.

          also this doesnt work

          sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
          tells me
          sudo: gedit: command not found
          so i used
          sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
          and add these lines at the end of the file:

          Section "Extensions"
              Option "Composite" "0" 
          and ctrl + X to save it

          than the installation

          sudo apt-get update  (worked)
          sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) #Okay if it is already installed  (i didnt use in already install option)
          sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx (and after this it told me error on drive E:)
          sudo depmod -a
          thanks again for all you help ppl.


            Re: installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up

            My system is haveing the same issue. I have an intel video card. I had been using kubuntu when I rebooted one time it started doing the same thing. All I have is a blinking cursor.


              Re: installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up

              Have you tried typing

              sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

              Then type startx



                Re: installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up

                Originally posted by chuckyball
                My system is haveing the same issue. I have an intel video card. I had been using kubuntu when I rebooted one time it started doing the same thing. All I have is a blinking cursor.
                If you have an actual blinking cursor (not a prompt), typing commands will show up but probably do nothing. Try pressing ALT+F1 or ALT+F2 to get to a command line, and then run the commands The Liquidator has described


                  Re: installed Kubuntu .. but nothin shows up

                  Note to users with NVIDIA cards:

                  Follow the steps adarkrenigma has described, booting of the LIVE CD, but make one change:

                  Instead of apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx, use this:

                  sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx
                  In xorg.conf file, change VESA to NVIDIA

                  Your screen may lose its signal. Simple press ALT+CTRL+Backspace to reboot

