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Feisty Upgrade: Adept Database Problem

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    Feisty Upgrade: Adept Database Problem

    I updated (not completely successfully) from 6.10 to 7.04 last evening. My system was up-to-date, and the Adept upgrade wizard led me into the upgrade process.

    There was an error on the very first file ( feisty/main libc6-dev 2.5-0ubuntu14), but everything else was going fine. With an EXTREMELY slow DSL connection, I went to bed. I checked my PC in the morning and there was a message in Adept to the effect that the commit could not happen because of probable breakage.

    I powered down the machine, rebooted, and it was seemingly a good install of Feisty. I opened Adept again, and it indicated there were updates available for all the extra apps I've downloaded over time. So I selected them for upgrading, and sent Adept on its way.

    However, upon completion and after closing Adept, the Adept notifier icon was present. Clicking the icon brought up a warning dialog titled 'Database Locked - Adept Updater' with the following message: 'Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.' Clicking OK exits the Adept Updater.

    I get a similar, slightly more verbose, dialog box when opening Adept directly, but it does at least let me proceed to see what applications are still available for updating (wlassistant, xkeyboard-config, and yakuake). All menu options are grayed out (except for Settings -> Hide Toolbar), however, so I can't upgrade those apps. The only way to exit Adept is to click on the window's close button.

    Using KDE System Guard, I can't identify anything that is Adept-, apt-get-, or aptitude-related. So I'm left with a functioning Feisty system for the moment, albeit one that cannot be upgraded EVER while the locked database problem still exists.

    Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.

    Re: Feisty Upgrade: Adept Database Problem

    This is exactly the same as I also experienced. But there is hope.

    What helped me was a sequence of commads.
    1.) sudo --configure -a
    1a.) this stopped at a package(x11-common in my case) which was claimed inconsistent.
    1aa.) sudo synaptic
    search this package and reinstall, then proceed again from 1.)
    2.) restart adept and proceed with the installation until next error
    2a.) in case of error, exit from adept (do not reboot) and proceed with 1)

    dpkg may find some conflicting packages, which are not reinstallable. In that case helped me
    "dpkg --purge <package>",
    but sometimes packages were in circular dependecy so I had to use
    "dpkg --purge --force-depends <package>"
    Next conflicts came in, because I had changed some configuration data of a package.
    In this case dpkg will prompt yuo to get the appropriate reaction. This should be self explaining.

    At the end of now successfull installation, I rebooted. Of course I had than a problem with my nVIDIA card, but that is another story.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Feisty Upgrade: Adept Database Problem

      Thanks, Kornel. I did the 'sudo dpkg -- configure -a', and it concluded with no proglems. Thereafer, I was able to go into Adept and update my remaining apps. Once again, many thanks.
      Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.

