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not sufficient free space in /var

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    not sufficient free space in /var

    this is a little wierd but that is my main problem with the update...
    any ideas?
    i tried to get a safe upgrade that was just 500 mb (thinking that then the full upgrade would take the 400 mb left for the full upgrade)
    but somehow didn't work neither..

    yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs

    Re: not sufficient free space in /var

    Just another one of my well known, well feared "oh so silly" questions:

    Did you ever had a look at the results from the console command df -x tmpfs -x usbfs ...?


      Re: not sufficient free space in /var

      err... not really
      nice command (one day i'll do a list of nice commands like that one... i swear.... one day)

      but the thing is i know i don't have space in /var
      i just don't know what to do about it... i did sudo apt-get clean
      but i really don't know what to do with it.. -

      the results:

      Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
      /dev/hda1 5233940 3762764 1205304 76% /
      /dev/hdb4 97826 23282 69325 26% /boot
      /dev/hdb8 3075504 2914320 4956 100% /home
      /dev/hda5 3062380 2858708 203672 94% /media/docs_casa
      /dev/hda6 15116836 14299700 49232 100% /media/down
      /dev/hdb3 18943504 16693024 1288188 93% /media/down2
      /dev/hda7 15124868 13508492 848072 95% /media/musica
      /dev/hdb1 4419540 3884180 310852 93% /media/musica2
      /dev/hdb9 910803 51041 811167 6% /opt
      /dev/hdb5 481764 16284 439778 4% /tmp
      /dev/hdb7 963560 219690 692464 25% /var
      /dev/hdd 711376 711376 0 100% /media/cdrom0
      yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs


        Re: not sufficient free space in /var

        Originally posted by yhotg
        i know i don't have space in /var
        Not correct (sorry) ...:

        Originally posted by yhotg
        Filesystem Use% Mounted on
        /dev/hdb8 100% /home
        /dev/hdb7 25% /var
        /home is "overflowing".


        Addenum: what's the result from df -h /dev/hdb7 ...?

        Maybe it's as simple as the partition being too small for a large update (?).


          Re: not sufficient free space in /var

          yes, /home is a problem right now.....
          i am a little over the saturated partitions...

          u meant that /var is not big enough for the size of the upgrade
          i have some 640 mb & the upgrade is 918 mb

          any idea if there's something i can do aside of fresh install?
          (the cd upgrade is giving me problems too i posted the error message in another post)
          yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs


            Re: not sufficient free space in /var

            Originally posted by yhotg
            u meant that /var is not big enough for the size of the upgrade
            i have some 640 mb & the upgrade is 918 mb
            Gotcha in this case, you may either try to update "in stages" or relocate APT's cache to a larger partition ...

            On the long run, however, I'd strongly recommend to reinstall with three partitions: /swap, /root and /home - as you can see from your own system, there is no point in "tattering" the harddisk(s).


              Re: not sufficient free space in /var

              ok, then i tried the upgrade in stages and something stopped it. i don't know what it was (was late lat night)

              about moving APT's cache i didn't knew it was possible... in that case why i can move something else out of /var?

              how i move those things?

              3 partitions? but i thought, since breezy that it was better this way.....

              yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs


                Re: not sufficient free space in /var

                Originally posted by yhotg
                about moving APT's cache i didn't knew it was possible
                Most people do not it's not exactly a simple thing - but it can be done ... as exemplified:

                # clean up
                ROOT $ apt-get clean
                # create target
                ROOT $ mkdir /apt-cache
                ROOT $ mv /var/cache/apt/* /apt-cache
                # reconfigure apt
                ROOT $ touch /etc/apt/apt.conf
                ROOT $ echo 'Dir::Cache "/apt-cache";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf
                # verify changes
                ROOT $ apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

