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Does Kubuntu 7.04 include LAMP install option?

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    Does Kubuntu 7.04 include LAMP install option?

    I want to install Ubuntu Server and install it with the LAMP option, but although I know servers are meant to be managed via the command prompt, I'm just learning Linux (I'm a Windows admin), and I confess I would be more comfortable being able to have access to the system via a GUI while I learn.

    Would I be better off installing the Ubuntu Server edition and selecting the LAMP option during install and then installing KDE on it or maybe Webmin (which I'm using now on another box with RHEL 3 that runs pureFTPd as an FTP server), or should I install Kubuntu and if so, does the Kubuntu install give me the option of selecting LAMP during install? or would I have to install LAMP later on, separately, which may be more complicated and difficult for me?

    I was thinking of using the newly released Feisty Fawn version just out yesterday, and plan to use this new box as a webserver and ftp server, and eventually abandon the Red Hat platform.

    Thanks for any advice you can provide.

    Re: Does Kubuntu 7.04 include LAMP install option?

    Kubuntu installs a preset selection of packages on install, but once installed installing LAMP is as easy as:
    Adept Manager
    (Possibly enable extra repos)
    Search for and install Apache, PHP, MySQL packages
    (You now have a working LAMP setup)
    Adjust Apache / PHP configuration
    (You now have a better-working LAMP setup)

    It's not important for servers to be so-called "headless" unless performance is important. Go for the regular (K|X)Ubuntu install, if you're more comfortable with a desktop.


      Re: Does Kubuntu 7.04 include LAMP install option?

      No single LAMP install option, unless you install using the Server CD installer (or the DVD I think).

      This guide might be useful, but I think it's a bit outdated:
      Jucato's Data Core

