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[Solved (kinda)] Upgrade to Feisty from Edgy without internet

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    [Solved (kinda)] Upgrade to Feisty from Edgy without internet

    I have been using Edgy since last November and I've been hyped about Feisty being released. Last night I ran into a problem though. My laptop (Balance CN6555) has been crapping out on me and now the NIC has totally stopped working. I've tried everything and it's no use trying anymore so I've found a couple solutions that I'm going to try. Anyways, the point of this thread is that I can't upgrade to Feisty in Edgy now so I'm wondering what my options are to upgrade. I have already downloaded the desktop install cd and was thinking that maybe I could just leave my /home directory alone since it's on a separate partition, but I don't want to have to reinstall everything and get it all setup just the way I like again since I already had to do that after reformatting/installing Edgy so I could make /home on a separate partition. I'm not sure when I'll be able to replace my NIC in the laptop otherwise I probably would just do a fresh install and re-download everything again. Does anyone have any suggestions? :/

    Re: No net connection available - options?

    Alright, so I did some searching on the forums today to see if I would get a reply to this thread and I came across a link ( ) that I hadn't seen yesterday at all when I was trying to figure out my upgrade options.

    The only thing is that when you scroll down the where you use the alternate cd to upgrade it says, "Note that for Kubuntu the upgrade dialogue will not be displayed and you will need to install gksu before running the above command (it will not work with kdesu)."

    So how am I going to get gksu on my system? Would it be as simple as getting a thumbdrive and putting the files onto it for gksu? I'm not so sure about getting gksu, but maybe I'll be able to figure out something or someone might reply soon. Just thought I'd update it a bit with my latest progress...


      Re: Upgrade to Feisty from Edgy without internet

      After playing around with the system for a bit I found that I do have gksu installed so I attempted to do the command listed on the site I mentioned in my second post. After hitting enter, I had a few things popup in the konsole and I had saved a log it had mentioned for me to post as a bug (there was another, but it was empty) and I also made a similar log of the output that was in the konsole because it was a little different than one of the logs it wanted me to look at. Here is the log it wanted me to take a look at:

      2007-04-20 09:44:19,344 INFO release-upgrader version '0.59.20' started
      2007-04-20 09:44:19,363 WARNING can't import view 'DistUpgradeViewGtk' (No module named pygtk)
      2007-04-20 09:44:20,053 WARNING can't import view 'DistUpgradeViewKDE' (/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZN11konsolePart8setPtyFdEi)
      2007-04-20 09:44:20,227 DEBUG lsb-release: 'edgy'
      2007-04-20 09:44:20,228 DEBUG _pythonSymlinkCheck run
      2007-04-20 09:44:21,201 ERROR not handled expection:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/tmp/tmp.KwLprC4483/feisty", line 56, in ?
       File "/tmp/tmp.KwLprC4483/", line 1025, in run
       File "/tmp/tmp.KwLprC4483/", line 935, in fullUpgrade
        if not self.prepare():
       File "/tmp/tmp.KwLprC4483/", line 284, in prepare
      TypeError: askYesNoQuestion() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given)
      Here is the output in the konsole after running the command gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade":

      can't load DistUpgradeViewGtk (No module named pygtk)
      can't load DistUpgradeViewKDE (/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZN11konsolePart8setPtyFdEi)
      Reading cache
      Checking package manager
      Reading package lists: Done
      Reading state information: Done
      Reading state information: Done
      Reading state information: Done
      A fatal error occured
      Please report this as a bug and include the files /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log in your report. The upgrade aborts now.
      Your original sources.list was saved in /etc/apt/sources.list.distUpgrade.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/tmp/tmp.KwLprC4483/feisty", line 56, in ?
       File "/tmp/tmp.KwLprC4483/", line 1025, in run
       File "/tmp/tmp.KwLprC4483/", line 935, in fullUpgrade
        if not self.prepare():
       File "/tmp/tmp.KwLprC4483/", line 284, in prepare
      TypeError: askYesNoQuestion() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given)
      I'm pretty lost right now as to what to do next and I'm hoping someone here can give me some insight. Some help would be much appreciated.

      Edit: The log I was able to look at was /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log, but /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log was empty and I'm guessing that's because I don't have internet capabilities on there for it to mess with apt. I'm not quite sure tho.


        Re: Upgrade to Feisty from Edgy without internet

        I've just finish to upgrade without Internet from the alternate CD following the procedure explained here:

        I hope it may be useful.


          Re: Upgrade to Feisty from Edgy without internet

          One reply is better than none so I sincerely appreciate that you took the time to read my posts, ylyga. I had looked at that guide briefly before and was a little wary about using it and it seems like even with that one you need the internet unless I have misunderstood it.

          It also doesn't help that I've never had to do it this way before so I'm just basically having to poke around in the dark and hope that SOMEONE will post in this thread to help me out. Did you still need the internet? I would really hate to do a clean install since I have everything set up just the way I want it. Would it be hard to do a clean install? If not, what would I need to back up?


            Re: Upgrade to Feisty from Edgy without internet

            Well, I came up with a different solution to get internet than the one I previously mentioned. My brother had a wireless router he doesn't use and brought it here. Easily connected to it in Windows and it was a different story with Edgy.

            My main problem was finding out what I needed to configure in order to get my laptop connected to the network, but after a ton of searching around I came across some information that was a lifesaver and I wish I would've found it sooner because it was EASY since I have a RaLink RT2500. Thanks to everyone that has read this thread and maybe soon I'll upgrade to Feisty although I'm still a little iffy about it since so many people have been having problems with it. 8)

