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Kubuntu Feisty Fawn Release !!!

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    Kubuntu Feisty Fawn Release !!!

    The ubuntu/kubuntu linux os about to be rolled out, Shipit is hastily taking orders, i am very excited about the release of the next great update of the best linux os ever!!!! Thank you Linus for starting it, thank you Kubuntu and Ubuntu developers. So what do u all feel about this new update

    Re: Kubuntu Feisty Fawn Release !!!

    I can't wait to upgrade to it from Edgy. I've only been using Kubuntu since November when I registered and it's been a long road. There is still a ton of information to take in and learn before I can start giving advice on the forums, but it's a road I'm willing to take. I've dabbled in other linux distros for the past 4 years and never could get the hang of things and it was just daunting while attempting to learn the way linux works. Now, I've been a lot more dedicated to the learning process and it has benefited me quite a bit. I'm glad I chose to go with Kubuntu with how easy it is to learn and with the look of things. I still haven't made the complete switch from Windows, but it's on my to-do list. I still find myself running out of things to do on Edgy, but I guess it's because I need to find more things that interest me about it and get most of my daily tasks switched from Windows to Kubuntu. Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.


      Re: Kubuntu Feisty Fawn Release !!!

      I originally started messing with Linux back in the early 1990s in an alternative to the AT&T System V Unix we had on the midframes at our university. Back then, it was even a pain to get the X to work with the system.

      Seeing what organisations like Kubuntu have done with the Linux platform, as well as the other Linux distros, I am so impressed. It is now as easy to install, use, and configure as any other OS.

      To think that Microsoft has had 30 years to develop and bring out a product and reach the point in development that they have with Vista. At the same time, the Linux community has reached that same level of advancement in about half the time. Needless to say, it is a testament to the Linux community and the cooperation that exists in it and the growth it can foster.

      Efforts like this reaffirm my belief in the concept that computers aren't always about a commercial push and tiger teams and rollouts.

      Kubuntu, and its constituency in the Linux world, are proof that a better good can come from the cooperation of individuals toward a goal of good for everyone...rather than seperatist and devisive mentalities that are often embodied in the now overly capitalism-focused arena of commercialised computer technologies.

      Kubuntu Fiesty Fawn, to me, is my means of getting away from having to contribute to that profit-driven market perpetuated by the technology behemoths, and more toward being able to not only contribute financially to its also take what I learn and contribute to helping in whatever manner I can as a person to those who started out like I did...needing help in making the move that I am now.

      Kubuntu has allowed me to implement a Linux platform on my over-powered game machine that has the latest technology.

      It has allowed me to implement on some of the latest laptop technology.

      And the ultimate goal Kubuntu Fiesty Fawn is enabling me to do: making all my hardware platforms Microsoft-free that I can.

      I want thank deeply everyone involved...from the other users who have answered my folks who adminstrate sites like this forum.

      No matter what, we can all contribute to something whatever way we are me, the Linux movement and Kubuntu in particular...are what I am proud to say I want to help with in whatever means I can.

      Thank you, Kubuntu. You have become my means to a freedom I have looked for...for a very long time.



        Re: Kubuntu Feisty Fawn Release !!!

        I have nothing more to add to that man, Well Said!!!

        Beware the Almighty Command Line

