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When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVidia?

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    When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVidia?

    Ok I've been reading all the hair pulling on both Ubuntu and Kubuntu forums about Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 cards (and above). Seems a lot of confusion about what card is legacy supported and what is not.

    There also seems to have been a period where the *ubuntu drivers themselves were swapped around or just plain wrong as far as legacy versus not.

    (Due to lack of knowledge on my part) I wound up re-installing my Kubuntu 7.04 three times this last weekend because going through the default update/install routines delivered with 7.04 for the Nvidia cards always broke my graphics settings.

    The settings are at this point completely bare with a "NV" card with "NV" drivers and I can get around at 1024x768. I have touched nothing since the last install because every time I install the glx "new" or the glx "legacy" Nvidia drivers (as of last weekend) things just plain went dark.

    Here's the question;

    When Feisty is officially released will the install/update routines correctly configure for my Nvidia card or will I have to go through a lot of manual reconfiguration routines?

    Once the official release is installed would future "updates" break my settings like what happened last week? I had it installed correctly once and the download updates (lower right hand corner icon) broke it.

    Lead by example, but be an example worth following.

    Re: When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVid

    Wow -- Tim, you have beat my record of 2 Feisty installs in a single weekend.

    However, I installed one each of Kubuntu 32-bit, and Ubuntu, 64-bit, so there!

    Seriously, I have seen the FX5200 posts -- Nvidia's site clearly indicates that -9755 supports it, but perhaps there are variants in their chips, or bugs in their driver.

    Personally, I'm planning on doing a clean reinstallation of Feisty-everything in a couple of weeks when the hubbub has settled down and any horror-stories about the final released version are in the public. That will include using nvidia-glx-new from the repos for my GeF 7900GS, and following the procedures described here:

    Your choice -- your mileage may vary ....


      Re: When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVid

      Dibl I assume you are refering to the instructions that you posted for me (Reply #6) April 14, 2007, 11:37:10 am. Prior to that I did download that driver from NVidia because it was listed ion their site to support that card. The thing I want to avoid is having to redo everything everytime there's an update. That drove me nuts with SuSE.

      I'm holding off too I think. Everything I've worked with so far on 7.04 has been really nice except for the Nvidia issue (and my ntfs drives disappearing - I still haven't got that fixed).

      When things stabilize though - I'm jumping in!

      Originally posted by dibl
      Wow -- Tim, you have beat my record of 2 Feisty installs in a single weekend.

      However, I installed one each of Kubuntu 32-bit, and Ubuntu, 64-bit, so there!

      Seriously, I have seen the FX5200 posts -- Nvidia's site clearly indicates that -9755 supports it, but perhaps there are variants in their chips, or bugs in their driver.

      Personally, I'm planning on doing a clean reinstallation of Feisty-everything in a couple of weeks when the hubbub has settled down and any horror-stories about the final released version are in the public. That will include using nvidia-glx-new from the repos for my GeF 7900GS, and following the procedures described here:

      Your choice -- your mileage may vary ....
      Lead by example, but be an example worth following.


        Re: When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVid

        Cool. I also wanted you to observe michel's excellent procedure for installing the proprietary Nvidia driver, should you choose to go that way.


          Re: When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVid

          Originally posted by dibl
          Cool. I also wanted you to observe michel's excellent procedure for installing the proprietary Nvidia driver, should you choose to go that way.
          Okay - I wasn't quite sure about one of his instructions though;

          sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential gcc xserver-xorg-dev
          What is 'uname -r' is that my sudo username or the name of the driver package I downloaded or is that the command line verbatim?
          Lead by example, but be an example worth following.


            Re: When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVid

            i may be wrong on this but i think `uname -r`is the kubuntu kernel version you are currently using. you enter the command on konsole and it will indicate the kubuntu kernel version.


              Re: When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVid

              `uname -r` is the pseudonym for your kernel version. If you type
              uname -r
              at your login prompt, it will return your particular Linux kernel version. But, if you simply insert
              `uname -r`
              in a command sequence, such as michel did in the example, then it will read it as "your specific kernel version", so it's a way to avoid having to type "linux-kernel-2.6.20-14" or something like that.

              Note that the characters surrounding `uname -r` are the one found in lowercase on your tilde key in the upper left of your keyboard, and are NOT apostrophes.


                Re: When Feisty Official Rel. comes out Can I "update all" and not break my NVid

                Originally posted by dibl

                Note that the characters surrounding `uname -r` are the one found in lowercase on your tilde key in the upper left of your keyboard, and are NOT apostrophes.
                Holy cats! Good thing you told me that one - I would have been beating my head on the keyboard within ten minutes!

                Once again - thanks for your reply.

                Lead by example, but be an example worth following.

