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OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?

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    OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?

    I AM on Edgy.
    I am using the adept GUI.
    I'm on Edgy trying to upgrade to Feisty.
    • I've got the edgy-proposed repo added to my repo list.
    • I've tried apt-get dist-upgrade
    • I have fetched updates.
    • My internet connection (including Adepts) are fine
    • I have closed and restarted Adept (and refetched updates).

    But still no pop up asking me to upgrade to Feisty.

    I did have it popping up previously and tried it but the upgrade tool just said it needed more disk space and now that I've cleared some off, it's not asking me anymore.

    I'd be really greatful for any ideas as I have Feisty elsewhere and love it. Cheers!
    Kubuntu Lover - The blog for Kubuntu lovers since 2008!

    Re: OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?

    Iwe got the same problem. sry for not helping, but i really want it fixed :/


      Re: OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?

      See if this link will help. I know they changed some things for the upgrade option. Mostly due, I think, because they are getting ready to release the final.


        Re: OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?


        I'd looked at that page (no *scoured* it) a dozen times. I really don't get how I could have missed the instructions being that obvious. I'd even done many searches here and on the ubuntu forums. But yes, the answer was just "follow the instructions", specifically the ones under "Kubuntu Beta upgrade". All is good!

        I think what probably made me miss it was a) It's late and I'm tired and b) That I misread that section as being for people upgrading from an earlier Herd / Beta of feisty.

        Ah well, thanks again all.
        Kubuntu Lover - The blog for Kubuntu lovers since 2008!


          Re: OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?

          No actually it is because Ubuntu is listed first. I looked at that before I posted and was "They changed it again??!!", but then I saw Kubuntu just right after.


            Re: OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?

            I have already seen this page and followed the instructions several times. But Im still having the same problem.


              Re: OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?

              I'm having the same problem. Cant get the update to work and I'm sure i'm following the right steps. I've even downloaded the alternate install disk and tried it that way and still get error messages.


                Re: OK, Adept... Where's my upgrade option?

                You have to do all this until feisty is out the I believe the upgrader will be enabled.

                Kubuntu Beta upgrade
                Launch Adept Manager: KMenu -> System -> Adept Manager
                In Adept -> Manage Repositories enable edgy-updates (or feisty-updates "Recommended Updates" if you are already on feisty)
                If you are using the Edgy KDE 3.5.6 repository, also add deb [WWW] edgy main
                Click Fetch Updates
                Click Full Upgrade
                Click Apply Changes
                Close Adept Manager
                Open a console with KMenu -> System -> Konsole (Terminal Program)
                Type the following commands, pressing enter after each line:
                Change to your home directory:
                cd ~/

                Create a new directory named upgrader and then move into the new directory:
                mkdir upgrader && cd upgrader

                Using wget, download the upgrader tarball:

                Extract the downloaded tarball (file):
                tar xf feisty.tar.gz

                Using python, run the following line with superuser (root) privileges (If prompted for a password, please enter your username's password followed by the Enter key):
                sudo python --frontend DistUpgradeViewKDE

