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Adept broke my Kubuntu Installation again SOLVED

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    Adept broke my Kubuntu Installation again SOLVED

    Installed and working: Kubuntu 7.03 (4?), 2.6.20-12 generic. Upgraded to 2.6.20-14 via Adept.
    New Update suggested by Adept aborts aborts at download/installation of updated header because 'update would break packages' or so.

    Selection menu now shows two versions: 2.6.20-12 and 2.6.20-14.

    Both lead to login screen and hang on the blue Kubuntu splash thereafter.

    I am certain this question has been asked before but a search did not yeld the answer:
    How do I repair the botched update?

    Attempted aptitude autoclean from recovery mode. Could not go to second step update and install because, naturally, the internet connection is not active.

    Any suggestions - anyone, please?

    Re: Adept broke my Kubuntu Installation again

    big issue with that new kernel
    may have something that can help you in that thread


      Re: Adept broke my Kubuntu Installation again

      Thank you for the link. I found it earlier. It really made me nervous.

      However: After tinkering with the faulty update I got my system back and straightened out.

      As a preliminary, I did 'sudo aptitude autoclean' without visible success or changes. Then I looked at my menu.list and the various images hoping I could find a way to get back to the old installation 2.6.20-12.
      No luck.
      In menu.list, I switched to standard designation of drive/partition changing the UID stuff to /dev/hdxx instead.
      It did not fix the 'problem'.

      In the course of my numerous attempts, I saw listings of "orphans" zip by too fast to read. Also some complaints about missing modules, etc.
      And a hint that X server is not starting.

      In the process of getting X server to start on the login screen, I noticed by accident that the actual login windows was moving around on the blue splash screen in the opposite direction of my mouse pointer.

      After logging in, I applied the mouse movement to the limits of the blank blue screen and, lo and behold, the main panel appeared on the screen showing a live wireless connection to the Internet. the Adept Updater also prompted for an update on one package.

      Started Adept, updates successfully. Then used Synaptic to look for and fix broken packages. Did not find any.

      To System Settings to adjust Monitor Display. It was set to something outrageously high, 17?? or so.

      Reduced to normal size. Back in business. Problem solved.

      In my case it was

      a. some broken (incomplete package; header file!)
      b. a very, very high screen size.

      I have not yet restarted my computer. Should I dare?


        Re: Adept broke my Kubuntu Installation again

        OK, I took the plunge!

        I now have three versions of Kubuntu installed.

        All three are working correctly now.

        Looks like this was a big scare over almost nothing.

        Despite numerous orphans left behind, hanging upgrades and other unsavory stuff the main problem was the changed screen resolution.

        It was set so high that only the blue background showed - until I panned around the screen to find content.

        At first, System Settings did allow only a very limited choice of resolutions. It took a second round of changes to get the resolution down to were it used to be.

        Now it is stable.

        Anyone need any little used Kubuntu versions? Free!


          Re: Adept broke my Kubuntu Installation again SOLVED

          Just a side note, those are not 3 versions of Kubuntu. Those are 3 versions of the kernel that you can use. You can also uninstall extra unused kernels like any other package (just search for them in Adept). Although it is advisable leave at least 1 other working kernel for backup.
          Jucato's Data Core


            Re: Adept broke my Kubuntu Installation again SOLVED

            I understand. It's just a sloppy formulation.
            Decided to keep 6.06 around and one of the other kernel versions besides the latest..

