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Feisty Fawn Install

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    Feisty Fawn Install


    I need to re-install Kubuntu this weekend, and was wondering if it would be better to install Feisty of stay with Edgy. Is Feisty stable enough to use for a production machine, at this stage, also I take it that when it is released next week I will just be able to install the updates and this will give me the full release version.

    Primary OS: Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, Secondary: WinXP Pro (Games Only)<br />Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz, 2GB RAM<br />ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 256MB<br />15&quot; Widescreen Display (1280x800)<br />Pro/Wireless Network Card connecting to US Robotics 1908A Router<br />

    Re: Feisty Fawn Install

    I have been using fiesty more or less regularly since herd 5, actually more . Imvho it is stable. at least as stable as edgy.

    But I would seach this forum for anything pertaining to your hardware, especialy your video and network card as well as your hd setup before commiting.

    I hope this helps

    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Feisty Fawn Install

      I have been using the feisty beta for some two weeks and is quite stable. In fact for me seems to be working better than edgy.


        Re: Feisty Fawn Install

        I've been using Feisty on various machines with no problems after Beta release. Because of that I just recently upgraded my main system with no problems. I do agree with Fintan though. Check the forum for any hardware that you may have.


          Re: Feisty Fawn Install

          Thanks for all the info, I have just tried the Live CD and all the Hardware I have tried so far seems to work OK, and the major plus I have found from Edgy is that Network support is a major improvement (kNetworkManager wouldn't even see my Wireless Card on Edgy).

          I know that with a Live CD you don't get a perfect representation of compatibility, but it has given me a good idea. As Feisty is only about a week away, I am going to get my machine working on Edgy for the time being and wait for feisty.

          Only question I have is that I have heard a lot about a much simplified way of installing proprietary video drivers and setting up Beryl, but I couldn't see this on the Live CD, is this available once you have installed Kubuntu or is it only for Ubuntu.
          Primary OS: Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, Secondary: WinXP Pro (Games Only)<br />Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz, 2GB RAM<br />ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 256MB<br />15&quot; Widescreen Display (1280x800)<br />Pro/Wireless Network Card connecting to US Robotics 1908A Router<br />


            Re: Feisty Fawn Install

            Yes, you can only install the graphics drivers and Beryl from the repositories -- you won't see that from the live CD. It's something that is set up during the real installation.


              Re: Feisty Fawn Install

              It has to do with what repositories are active from adept/sources list when the LiveCD desktop is actively running. I actually activated some of those during testing, but I don't recommend doing that. I crashed my system several times doing that. For me it was more for fun to see what happens, and as I indicated it can crash the system . So in short you can't test Beryl from the Live CD. Some of those changes would have prompted a reboot anyway and, well, you can guess that you loose the new settings. Again, I wanted to see what would happen.


                Re: Feisty Fawn Install

                From what you are saying Kubuntu is not like Ubuntu then, as from what I have seen on the NET there are some additional tools which allow users to easily enable ATI/Nvidia Drivers and to also turn on Beryl.
                Primary OS: Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, Secondary: WinXP Pro (Games Only)<br />Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz, 2GB RAM<br />ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 256MB<br />15&quot; Widescreen Display (1280x800)<br />Pro/Wireless Network Card connecting to US Robotics 1908A Router<br />


                  Re: Feisty Fawn Install

                  No, that's not right, gavin.

                  With respect to setting up graphics drivers and installing Beryl or Compiz, the only difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu would be the default package manager that you would use to do the installation. Kubuntu comes with Adept, and Ubuntu comes with Synaptic. I use both, and they're not that different from a new user's perspective. The actual sources and function of the driver packages and the windows managers are the same. The only other difference would be the default window decorator -- Kubuntu would be KDE and Ubuntu would be Heliodor. But Beryl will bring the Emerald window decorator with it and use that for the default on either desktop. It's only "look and feel" stuff that is different -- the Linux machinery underneath the desktops is the same.


                    Re: Feisty Fawn Install

                    That's correct. As far as Beryl is concerned, there is also Aquamarine to allow KDE decorators to function in Beryl.


                      Re: Feisty Fawn Install

                      Thanks, I take it that if I install the Beta, then when the final release is available I will be able to install the updates to go to the full release.

                      I am always wary (most be from using MS all those years )
                      Primary OS: Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, Secondary: WinXP Pro (Games Only)<br />Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz, 2GB RAM<br />ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 256MB<br />15&quot; Widescreen Display (1280x800)<br />Pro/Wireless Network Card connecting to US Robotics 1908A Router<br />


                        Re: Feisty Fawn Install

                        Odd enough it is because I use M$ that I just take the plunge! My justification is it couldn't be worse and so far Kubuntu has proven me correct. Kubuntu's better! Let us know how it goes or if you need any help!


                          Re: Feisty Fawn Install


                          Thanks, I have been using Kubuntu for about 6 months now and with the exception of XP for Guildwars (havent yet managed to get the mouse pointer visible in Wine or Cedega) almost completly use Kubuntu

                          What I wanted to check was that if anyone knows if I would need to install a new version of Kubuntu when the final release is available or would be able to just install the updates (though Adept Updater)
                          Primary OS: Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, Secondary: WinXP Pro (Games Only)<br />Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz, 2GB RAM<br />ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 256MB<br />15&quot; Widescreen Display (1280x800)<br />Pro/Wireless Network Card connecting to US Robotics 1908A Router<br />

