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Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

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    Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

    Nope, not until APR 19th


      Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

      I can't wait
      Beware the Almighty Command Line


        Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

        Fasten your seatbelt, it would be a bumpy ride
        Do you Yahoo ? No I hiccup only :P


          Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

          Lets hope it won't be that bumpy!!

          Lets be hopefull that the new upgrade tool will help a good many folks out there!

          As for me, I can't wait either!! I think Feisty will help people love Kubuntu even more!!!!


            Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

            Ya know - compared to SUSE 9.1 even this 7.04 beta is drop dead gorgeous. It's beta - sure there's stuff to tweak and hammer strait - but it's beta. I've got Nvidia and ntfs issues but a lot of that is my ignorance and I'll work around it.

            I'm looking forward to the launch. There's a LOT more help here than you'll ever get at a SuSE forum. I've not ever seen a "rtfm" post on ANY of these *ubuntu forums. Can't say that for SuSEville.

            Tim (new convert)
            Lead by example, but be an example worth following.


              Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

              The daily releases on Friday last week screwed up my Vaio Laptop BIG style. Would not re-boot so a fresh install. Did the full update cycle again and all was well.

              I'm still having occasional problems with Firefox crashing but having got Automatix installed all my media files work a treat and so does my Nvidia card!

              I'm NOT doing anymore updates until Thursday now, I've broken the rules of a Beta releae and used it in a production my cost!

              What the hey.

              Friday morning, I'll do another full update having done a FULL backup first!



                Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

                Originally posted by AlanR8
                having got Automatix installed all my media files work a treat

                Automatix is not needed with 7.04 - all the media codecs can now be installed using Add/Remove Programs......


                  Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

                  Really excited at the prospect of the new release.Not sure where to post this but I'm currently running edgy 6.10 installed using the the alternate CD where i had a separate home partition. I would like to have a fresh 7.04 install. Will this enable me to just reformat the /(root) partition and install 7.04 without having an effect on my home partition.


                    Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

                    If you have kde 3.5.6 running on edgy you should be okay
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: Is Feisty Fawn now in stable release?

                      thanks for the quick reply. excited but have these feeling that all the linux distributions mirrors will be down 'cos of the demand. Anyone using a torrent let's all seed like never before.

