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Feisty Installation - TWISTB

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    Feisty Installation - TWISTB


    I have just installed Feisty 7.04 as a "clean install" - no prior operating system.
    As you can tell by my username - no prior Linux experience of any kind.

    System Components:
    Supermicro mobo PDSBA+, Intel Core2 Duo, 2GIG DDR2RAM with onboard video, audio
    dual SATA II 320GB hdrives running in enhanced mode at 300 MB/sec
    ASUS Quietrack DVD RW +/- R Light Scribe
    Pioneer DVD player (at least 5 yrs. old)
    3.5 " floppy
    Linksys 10/100 NIC
    US Robotics 56K v.92 Faxmodem
    PCI Express GeForce 7300 / 256MB RAM graphics card

    I stumbled around for about 3 weeks, reading this Forum and other documentation before even making an attempt at installation. I am an advanced user of DOS & DOZE and figured I would wait until I understood enough before diving in.

    Many thanks to [user:dibl] for helpful comments, suggestions (like try Feisty), philosophy, and experience shared.

    Years ago I worked in an automobile assembly plant, on the assembly line. My late friend Joe Petru (In Pax Requiem Eternam) was a senior inspector on the line. He wrote up any repairs needed on the vehicle before it was allowed to move to the next department. Management supervisors were constantly on his case, whining about 'how he wanted it built' today. Every time he wrote something up, someone had to take time to fix it, and management is always interested in getting the numbers out the door as quickly as possible. (Something about a "bonus"...)

    One day, after receiving a heavy dose of pressure from management to let things go (assembled correctly or not!), he said to me, "It's NOT what I want, or what they want! It's The Way It's Supposed To Be!"

    I approached the first installation with caution - only the minimal amount of hardware connected. Just as in the DOS/DOZE world, recalcitrant hardware combinations cause immense grief and immense loss of time for the lessons learned.

    When the first images appeared on the monitor, the right vertical 25% of the screen was a pink color. The left 3/4 had the correct beginning screen displays of Feisty. Immediately I killed the power, then thought about it for a minute. I opened the case and removed the graphics card, connecting to the onboard video and set to the most generic values.

    Fired it back up - voila! Corrected one problem. After some progress in the install, the screen froze and nothing more happened. I took note of where in the process it occurred. Information on the hard drives showed. Killed the power again. Then I remembered that I had set both SATA hard drives in the BIOS to NOT be part of the bootable process. There was a failed XP install on one of them and I had given up trying to fight it. Only the CD ROM was set to boot.

    Changed the BIOS setting to include both hds after the CD, and started the install process again.
    Imagine that - the install completed and it was time to reboot without the live CD...

    KDE is impressive when first it fills the screen. All the usual goodies were there that I was used to seeing in DOZE. However, the screen resolution was at minimum; all the icons were huge. Nope, my eyes aren't that bad yet - this needs to be fixed. I started reading all the threads regarding the many troubles of nVidia chipsets. I printed a lot of pages, followed some links, and decided I did not want any part of all this extra work.

    Shut down the machine, slapped in the video card, hooked up the good ole Viewsonic TFT flat screen, changed the BIOS setting, & let 'er rip. Imagine my surprise when the video resolution was automatically set correctly at 1280 x 1024! Later I managed to find the driver -- 2.6.20-12-generic. Well, hey, that looks just fine.

    Seeing as how that works, I shut it down again, hooked up the old DVD, the floppy, and what the heck - might as well hook up the speakers, too. Fired up Feisty, and everything seemed to work. Popped in a CD with some tunes on it - wow, the Media Player is even nicer than the DOZE equivalent.

    So far, just like old Joe would say, the installation is The Way It's Supposed To Be!

    Next will be LAN connections and Internet Connections through the modem. I'll tackle them one at a time, and hopefully all will function Nominally.

    So why did I write this? Simple.

    I hope that more than one Windows User sees this Post and is encouraged by the results.

    KDE looks just like Windows, and already I don't miss Bill G.

    Here's the most important point: If other Windows users experience results similar to mine, in a very short time Kubuntu will take off like a rocket. With Vista causing the DOZE World to flux, combined with its outrageous price, and the grief that Windows Disingenuous Advantage causes to legitimate users, now is a great time for Kubuntu to shine!

    Feisty installation - TWISTB


    Re: Feisty Installation - TWISTB

    Great to hear! I had lost track of that thread, but your decision to hang in there with Kubuntu, and resultant success with it, is very gratifying.

