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Failed to boot from CD

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    Failed to boot from CD

    Tryin out Fiesty. Thinking about the upgrade. I think that since my laptop is only a few months old, that Edgy doesn't have all the drivers I need. Especially my display. And it is REALLY starting to annoy me. Anyhoo, I was just gonna boot from the CD first and have a look around. But I didn't make it.

    [118.03600] bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed
    Then it reapeated the message several times, each time with a larger number in the brackets. Never out of the 1xx.xxxxx range though.

    I know that bcm43xx, whatever it is, was blacklisted in edgy, as per installation instructions for my wireless card.

    Should I continue with the install? Or should I take that as a sign that the install will go bad?
    Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269

    Re: Failed to boot from CD

    I'm having the same problem with Kubuntu final 7.04, released today. I have an E1505 as well. My Ethernet NIC is broadcom, so I guess that it's freaking out over loading the driver for the NIC. These messages keep coming up the whole time that it's booting and starting other services.

    Is there a workaround to this so that we can install Kubuntu and fix the problem after, or what is the best solution?


      Re: Failed to boot from CD

      I found an article with this quote:

      Please note that Ubuntu mistakenly loads the BCM43xx driver for my Broadcomm/Dell 1390 WiFi card and that resulted in a lot of errors in the terminal by the system (missing firmware?). I had to blacklist the BCM43xx driver before I could successfully install ndiswrapper and finally get WiFi support.
      My Inspiron has the Dell 1390 WiFi card. The article made no mention of difficulty on installing Ubuntu in the first place, though. Is it possible that this is a problem with Kubuntu specifically, or is the problem of not booting up being caused by something else? (like having a Radeon X1400?)


        Re: Failed to boot from CD

        Good news, I found someone with the exact same hardware and has figured it all out. He lists step-by-step instructions to install fiesty, set up video, the wireless card, beryl, and VMPlayer. The article is here.

        I will download the alternate CD ISO, try those instructions and post my results.


          Re: Failed to boot from CD

          Hey thanks for the linky. We should be on a buddy list for one another. =) Thanks for that link, but I seem to got most of my bugs worked out. I got my display looking sweet, wireless is up, and Fiesty quit puking on me. I should keep better notes, but I should be able to point you in the right direction if you have any additional problems.

          As for the problem that started this thread, I just kept trying and it eventualy booted. I then ran the install and went ahead and blacklisted the problem driver. It hasn't annoyed me since. I don't know what graphics card you got, but I got my native resolution by installing 915resolution (in adept). Now linux looks more crisper and pretties than Windows.

          I haven't played with VM ware,... sounds like a nice "to do" to add to my future projects list. That list is already gettin huge!!

          Feel free to PM me.
          Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


            Re: Failed to boot from CD

            What? Since when does 'keep trying' ever work with an OS install? That baffles me.

            Do you think I should keep trying the default CD or follow the instructions completely and use the alternate CD? I'm leaning toward the latter. I'd very much like to waste as little time on this as possible, what with school...

            My video is Radeon X1400, BTW.


              Re: Failed to boot from CD

              SO I just tried to boot off of the CD, and try to duplicate the problem. It booted to the desktop with no issues. It did flash that warning message at me but never hung up on it. It just flashed as other messages was scrolling on the screen. I have NO idea why. It should have hung up on me and then I could duplicate the fix. I'm scratching my head; not only on how I fixed the problem, but how come I can't duplicate it again.

              Possible things to try...

              Install Edgy. Black list the driver. Then do a version upgrade or full upgrade. Probably your best & safest bet.

              Can you disable the Broadcom device from the BIOS? Then boot from the CD?

              Start the computer in another OS, like a windows/DOS partition and run Start.exe from the CD. Again, I dunno what the response will be. But maybe you can get further.

              Boot from the CD. When it hangs up on you hit Cntrol+C and get a command line. Then try to run the install program. I don't know how, but it should be possible to start the install from a command line. Once installed you could blacklist the problem driver. Possibly do a search with: Install Fiesty Command Line

              Again, If I could duplicate the problem, I could then try to remember the fix. Just mail me your laptop and I'll get it fixed up for ya 8)

              Once Fiesty has all been installed and the bugs squished, I like it a lot more than Edgy. Very pretty, very nice.
              Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


                Re: Failed to boot from CD

                Start.exe is just a little informational program, so that's no help. I disabled the broadcom wireless in BIOS (why didn't I think of that?), and there were no messages about it, but X still died, leaving me with a blinking cursor. Ctrl-C didn't do anything. It must be my Radeon... you have the integrated video, don't you?

                I think I'll stick with the instructions in the article, it should be guaranteed to work. I just have to wait until I get some broadband access.


                  Re: Failed to boot from CD

                  I'd say that X crashing was a graphics card / driver issue. I have the Intel 945GM graphics.

                  At least you got past the bad driver broadcom driver. I wonder if you can apply the same disabled in BIOS trick to the X Crashing problem.

                  There should be an install from the "blinking cursor". I don't know it though =)
                  Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


                    Re: Failed to boot from CD

                    From what I've read, ATI graphics compatability in Fiesty is big problem for many people. I think the article I found was one of the few, if not the only, way that has been found to work with this set of hardware.

                    Unfortunately, the video adaptor is a very necessary piece of hardware and cannot be disabled in the BIOS. :P

                    And by "blinking cursor," I meant exactly that; not a terminal. The only input it accepts is Ctrl+Alt+Del.

                    Tomorrow I'll find out if those instructions work.


                      Re: Failed to boot from CD

                      Well, I'm up and running Kubuntu!

                      Unfortunately, the instruction in that article were for gnome, and I had to do some hunting and a little guessing to find equivalent solutions for couple things...

                      I still don't have wireless up yet. I installed ndiswrapper and the driver fine, but the system still doesn't see my card. ndiswrapper says it sees the device, though... I may have messed up when I disabled it in the BIOS after installing Kubuntu and didn't enable it until just now. Thinking about starting over without disabling it.


                        Re: Failed to boot from CD

                        I bit the bullet and re-installed. Wireless is now working!


                          Re: Failed to boot from CD

                          hey guys here this... this is insane..
                          I had feisty beta for some 2 weeks. to me it was the most adorable os. yesterday I thought to get the final release 7.04. download the cd, burned it with nero, and reboot. after the logo screen and some noises into the cd+rw it stops on a black screen and the only thing u can do is ctrl+alt+canc. that's all. hi hi hi I spend the whole Sunday tried to install kubuntu without success. and believe me,,, I burned some other ubuntu /kubuntu different versions but none of them worked out. this is ridiculous because I did the install thing... some 30 times with the old feisty beta. at this point please someone tell me that it's me who goes wrong or my laptop config that wont work, but don't tell me that canonical is delivering a cd/dvd without a boot session...please help


                            Re: Failed to boot from CD

                            Sounds like the same problem as me... Is your video a Radeon X1400 or something similar? If so, then you have to jump through some hoops to get feisty final installed. Something was broken late in development (Herd 5) and couldn't be fixed. Follow the instructions in the article I linked to above (4th post).


                              Re: Failed to boot from CD

                              ok it's me again..
                              I have a dell inspiron 6400/1505. 2ghz 2duo, 1gb ram ati x1300, dell wireless draft 802.11n and bluetooth. bios version A14 updated today.

                              when I was beautifully in feisty beta I followed the guide posted above for ati+glx+beryl and ect... and I was interested making beryl work. from all the guides and howto's this one was the one that worked. didn't tried wireless though... but if you have probs with ati Xseries just follow the wiki howto install fglrx ati proprietary driver. it should work on almost every dell 6400.

