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Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!! :'(

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    Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!! :'(

    OK, over the course of the Herd and now Beta, I've been slowly able to test it on various machines. With Beta, I was finally able to test on my work Dell 810 . The problem is I still can not get the Live CD to boot on my primary system at home. Originally though Herd I always got a blank screen and could never tell if it reached the Desktop. With Beta, I can tell it reached the desktop, but still no video. This time at least I got from my display that it is an "Invalid Mode" which from past experiences with this system meant I needed to reconfigure X and eliminating the resolutions it can't display. Are there known issues with NVIDIA here or is it my Display? To me both, but how can I get it to boot with video at the correct resolution? Graphic Safe Mode gives nothing as well. Anyone? Please? I really like what Feisty gives from my other system tests, and really want it on my primary system and I'm kind of afraid to "upgrade" if I can't at least resolve or understand this problem. Thanks in advance!

    Re: Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!!

    "VESA" graphics mode seems to be the one that will work when nothing else does at first. Can you choose "VESA mode" from your CD? If not, choose (from the alternate install CD) "text mode installation". If you get to a text login, run the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" configuration routine and choose "no" when it asks to autodetect your video card. Then choose "VESA" on the next screen, and proceed with it that way. Choose the monitor resolutions and refresh rates that you want. If this works, at least you'll be able to read your Google research results, while looking for a better solution.



      Re: Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!!

      if you can get to the text mode login, login and install the correct nvidia-glx module either nvidia-glx for newer cards or nvidia-glx-legacy for older cards.



        Re: Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!!

        Saddly I can not get 7.04 Beta Live CD to load in normal or safe graphic mode
        I would really like to test this on my machine, but it seems to always boot into a
        video mode my system can't handle. Is there anything I can add to either boot line
        that will force a certain video resolution thorugh out the boot process and especially after
        X starts? I see the Boot Splash, it is after X starts everything goes wrong. I know
        how to reconfigure X, but it does me no good when I can't see what is going on.

        Any one!!??

        NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 if you are wondering.


          Re: Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!!

          Originally posted by MoonRise
          Saddly I can not get 7.04 Beta Live CD to load in normal or safe graphic mode
          I would really like to test this on my machine, but it seems to always boot into a
          video mode my system can't handle. Is there anything I can add to either boot line
          that will force a certain video resolution thorugh out the boot process and especially after
          X starts? I see the Boot Splash, it is after X starts everything goes wrong. I know
          how to reconfigure X, but it does me no good when I can't see what is going on.

          Any one!!??

          NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 if you are wondering.
          Sorry mis interrpretded thought you already had system installed. If you can't get the cd to start x I would download the alternate disk and install text mode....



            Re: Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!!

            No need to apologize, I appreciate any help. I just don't know why it does this. I have 6.10 installed and from what I could test on other machines I like 7.04 and want to upgrade, but not without seeing how it works on my 6.10 machine. Thanks!


              Re: Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!!


              Could you post here the rest of your hardware, many times it seems like a graphics problem and it's some other thing, like the Intel 965 chipset or a sata drive/contoller.


                Re: Feisty and NVIDIA. Help!!!!

                The system does have a SATA controller. It is a Dell Dimension 8300 with a SB Live audio card. The NVIDIA is AGP. Thing is, I'm writing this with Feisty, but Ubuntu not Kubuntu. I do know that Ubuntu started in 1024 x 768. Kubuntu evidently is not and I can't figure out which mode it is. Even if I did, I do not know how I would be able to get the Live CD to boot in that mode and stay when X starts. I think if I upgrade I'll be fine, I'm just hoping that it doesn't "redo" my xorg.conf file. So far under Ubuntu, I'm please with Feisty. I've noticed some things under Ubuntu that I don't know Kubuntu would offer. Just from this Live CD I can see all of my drives and they are mounted.

