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Fresh Install & Upgrade fails to install

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    Fresh Install & Upgrade fails to install

    Spent the weekend playing around and experienced the folllowing;

    - Upgrade from Edgy x86_64 to Feisty x86_64 blanks video
    - Fresh Install (64 bit) fails on both Kubuntu and Ubuntu
    - Install fails during manual disk partitioning.

    AMD Athlon 2800++
    1Gb RAM
    ATI Radeon 9000 Pro
    MSI M/B
    WD 100Gb H/D
    WD 200Gb H/D

    Install appears to fails during the partitioning stage. Couldn't submit bug report because I'
    m not registered. Attempted to register but since my system fails to install, unable to retrieve email to confirm registration. I think this is a foopa don't you?

    Couldn't manually partition, it even wouldn't install as it suggested either. This is a dual boot system with XP. No issues with any prior version of Kubuntu, FC, Suse....

    Re: Fresh Install & Upgrade fails to install


    I have read that there are issues with the feisty partitioner. Seems to be better for some than others.

    When you did it the upgrade way and ended up with blank video, was this a failure of X to start? This seems quite common. If so, see this thread:

    If that is your problem it might be better to do a basic install of edgy, then after upgrade re-configuring X. Alternatively, once you have edgy running you might wait for the full release as Feisty is still I believe alpha software.



      Re: Fresh Install & Upgrade fails to install

      I don't see which version of Feisty is giving the problem. If it is 7.04 Beta, then I have no help to offer. With Herd 4 and Herd 5, the installer and partitioner were very buggy. Yesterday I downloaded the 7.04 Beta ISO (386, Alternate CD), and this time I was pleasantly surprised by an excellent installation and partitioner performance -- I found no sign of the previous problems. I have 3 hard drives, mixed IDE/PATA and SATA, multiple OS's. They obviously put some serious attention on the problem. So, if you have not tried 7.04 Beta, you probably should give it a shot before quitting.


        Re: Fresh Install & Upgrade fails to install

        I downloaded fresh ISO's yesterday as well except mine were the 64bit flavor. I see where some have issues because of an NTFS checksum error and I'll double check that.

        The concern I have is the sticky for this particular forum regarding "Beta". I understand what Beta means however from a normal user's standpoint; with the updater literally forcing it on you to update, then I suggest that the updater not bug you to upgrade to 7.04 until it's a release.

        As for my situation, I've wasted enough time and ROMS for ISO's that won't work and I will wait. As for the bug reporting? I think it would benefit the developers by providing more failed incident reports to not require a membership before submitting. I don't have the luxury of multiple systems to retrieve an email message to confirm membership then submit my incident. Just another viewpoint to not a gripe.

