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upgrade from edgy

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    upgrade from edgy

    I am probably going to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty sometime soon but have never made such a step since Edgy was my first ever try of a Linux OS. I started using Edgy when it was at about the same stage of development that Feisty is in now and have never had a problem that I haven't been able to sort out and at the end of the day I used windoze for years so I am well used to crashes etc and therefore am always willing to try stuff out that may be a bit unstable or ...

    Anyway, I am gonna do the upgrade thing but am a bit confused about the best way to do it.
    I know that Gnome has the 'upgrade-manager' and I know how to use it as I started with Ubuntu. I have never really used Adept, however, as I have found it to be a bit frail (it crashed a lot, but that may have been me >). Because of that when I installed this Kubuntu Edgy from the live cd I installed Synaptic and have used that or compiled the apps I have downloaded from source.
    I have loads of 3rd party repos on my /etc/apt/sources.list and think I am right in thinking that I should use my back up of this list (with no 3rd party or backported repos) when doing a dist upgrade.
    If I use adept, what do I have to enter in a konsole? Will I have problems with adept or would I be better off installing upgrade-manager?
    OR, would I be wise to download the Feisty Herd5 ISO and do a clean install with that (will my /home partition be safe that way? I reckon this would save me any aggro with the repos but I am a novice eh)

    Lastly, and probably most important, is my xorg.conf. I am unlucky enough to have the Via S3 Unichrome pro chip set with the intergrated graphics that I use the Openchrome driver for. This may be a dumb Q, but, if I do a clean Feisty install will I be able to compile and install the openchrome trunk driver and use it as I am now in Edgy with Feisty?

    I know I ask a few Qs in one go here but I do manage to find out most stuff without hassling anyone. This is the sort of stuff which could have me messing about for days with no computer while I fumble about blindly, gradually rendering my machine more and more useless with every key stroke.

    Cheers for any help

    I love all this


    Re: upgrade from edgy

    If you use Adept, little or no Konsole use will be necessary.
    You might want to choose Adept over apt-get (the package management command line tool) if you want some protection from screwing it up.

    If you use a Feisty install CD, you may or may not lose your /home partition, as the partition manager in Feisty is still very difficult. I suggest backing it up.
    On your sources.list, you probably won't need to touch it if you're doing a dist-upgrade, but you may or may not need to change all instances of "edgy" to "feisty".

    Last, on the Openchrome driver, it will probably work fine when you compile it. In theory, at least. The main problem here will be getting X running smoothly. It might require lots of "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"s.
    For external use only.


      Re: upgrade from edgy

      Someone posted this in a thread I was posting in. Maybe you can try this. I thinking about it.


        Re: upgrade from edgy

        There is of course the path of least resistance. Download the herd 5 cd boot it as live and see if it accepts your graphic card. If it does you can be failrly sure the install will as well. Then of coure if you have the space on your HD make partition (gparted live cd) for feisty and install there. If your /home is on a seperate partition (advisable at any rate) use that and create a new user and test your feisty. If you don't have enough space I would tend to do a clean install as I don't trust adept. The partioning part of the feisty part takes some getting used to. To change or edit partitions you have to right click on said partition and choose "edit" and pay a lot of attention!! You can read more here: Should your home be on a seperate partition use that as /home, create a new user and the copy your data over to the new user. You will have to back up your data if your /home is not on a seperate partition (I would do that anyway )

        So much for my two cents worth. I hope that helps and good luck
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: upgrade from edgy

          Thanx for all of your replies.

          I have a live cd with Herd5 on and tried it on my notebook last night. The results were ok. I managed to get the correct screen resolution for my knotebook (1280x800) by doing 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' and ctrl+alt+backspace. It behaved exactly as Edgy always has, X restarted and I had a decent screen to play about with. I had to stick with the 'Vesa' generic driver though as I couldn't be sure of how to go about compiling the Openchrome driver while using the live cd. I don't want to mess my current xorg.conf up by doing stuff like that just yet. The way that X behaved alst night and a look at the xorg.conf along with seeing that the xserver-xorg-video-via is in the Feisty repos leaves me feeling confident about overcoming that hurdle on my way to upgrading.

          At the end of the day I too am not very assured when it comes to Adept. It seems really temperamental and, well, weak, to me and I now know I am not alone in thinking so. I reckon the best route for me then is the live cd one. I know a little bit about partitioning as I initially had an Edgy XP dual boot and have always kept my /home folder on its own partition. I don't want to lose the data I have at /home though and do back it up regularly.

          Currently I have as follows:

          /dev/hda1 /home (ext3) 25.30GiB (used=2.62GiB)

          /dev/hda2 / (boot) (ext3) 23.82GiB (used=3.61Gib)

          /dev/hda3 /linux swap 1024Mb


          2 unallocated partitions of 14.56GiB and 9.77 GiB

          I resized my /home and /root partitions in order to make way for an install of Open Suse 10.2. I bought a dvd on line from Linux and it didn't pass an md5sum so is useless. Even if it worked I wouldn't install Suse after learning of Novells deal with MS but that is just a dkaddict thing and I ain't knocking anyone who uses Suse. Live and let live eh. Oh yeah, if I had all of the programs I have on my Kubuntu box and it/they were on my old windoze machine I would have used over 12GiB of HD space and the damn thing would take about half an hour to boot up. I got 'nuff respect for this whole Linux thing m8.

          Anyway, i would like to stick Feisty and another /home (under a diff uname eh?) on these unallocated spaces but am pretty sure that Gparted (qtparted just doesn't do it for me, I am either too stupid or it suffers from the same ailments as Adept) will not allow me to have 5 active partitions on one HDD. I tried a while ago (yep it was a day when I was feeling particularly insane) to install Kubuntu Edgy alongside Ubuntu Edgy, a paralell install with each on its own partition (please don't ask me why as I am yet to find out) and got told NO by gparted. I may have been doing something wrong though.

          So that's me really. I need some help finding out about the partitioning bit and am going to follow the link that Fintan kindly posted for me.

          While here I may as well ask. Can anyone point me toward any bleeding edge repos for Kubuntu or KDE (not the Deb ones, I understand they will break my knotebook). I have Trevinos list and all of the keys etc, (except for Mepis whos server tells me the gpg key file I am requesting doesn't exist) but am sure there must be more KDE specific sources.

          Thanx again for all of your replies and time.



            Re: upgrade from edgy

            I am glad to hear the good news. Now for the partitioning bit:
            If you haven't got it yet get gparted here:
            and read the documentation carefully. It is worth it.

            If by active partition you mean primary partition you are right. You can only have 4 primary partitions on a HD at one time. It seams that you already have 4 so you will have to make some locical partitions. The documentation will tell you how. It is not difficult but you have to pay attention.

            On getting cutting edge kde stuff, well edgy is cutting edge enough for me, thanks and feisty is looking reeeeal nice . I am shure others can help you on that point.

            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: upgrade from edgy

              Cheers for your reply Fintan,

              Always appreciate input from other Linux users.

              I didn't know I could have 'logical' partitions as well as 'primary' parts. Well no, that's a lie, I didn't know 'logical' parts existed.

              I have gparted (always have had it, since switching to Linux) and am gonna do some swotting up so I can gain further control of my knotebook. That didn't happen in over 18 years of using MS windoze. They had control of my electronic escapades.

              Linux rules. And yeah, I suppose using Kubuntu Edgy/Feisty is at the cutting edge of home PC technology. It is a shame my graphics isn't yet compatible with Beryl etc. I watched a video stream of 3d on a Linux box in action and it made Vista look third rate. And that OS costs a fortune eh. To get all of the Vista equivalent apps I use now would set me back twice the price of my laptop. And my hd would be full, slow, and lazy.




                Re: upgrade from edgy

                I upgraded the other day with the Adept upgrade tool they wanted people to test. I always back my stuff up so didn't really have anything to lose. It went ok and the Feisty system is working just as well as the Edgy. I have just done the first update since upgrading but have just read a load of posts about it being dodgy with re to the kernel upgrade. I did have a bit of trouble booting into Feisty the other day but went back to an old kernel in grub and it all started working again.
                It always ends up working.

