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Update through Adept failed - What next can I do?

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    Update through Adept failed - What next can I do?


    I was happy with Edgy Eft, but was tempted to install Feisty Fawn when asked in Adept. Someone in the back of my head said "If it isn't broken, do not try to fix it", but I tried to install it anyway.

    The installer reached the point where it downloaded all the packages ok. After, I came back to my computer and the installer had crashed (the status bar showed that there was a small bit installed). Unfortunately, the message window was blank for some reason and even though I waited for a long time hoping that the message would appear, I had to close the window. I rebooted the computer and everything was fine.

    I opened Adapt and it stated that all the packages still needed to be installed. So I tried to install them. It gave me an error that some packages could not be installed (due to codependencies), I clicked ok and the installation stopped.

    On the next reboot, I got the following:

    VFS: Cannot open root device "sda1" or unknown-block(0,0)

    Please append a correct "root=" boot option

    Kernel panic-not syncing VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

    I have searched through the postings (and Internet) and was unable to find anyone with a similar situation, I was going to attempt the following (in order of listing), but I thought I would ask for some advice first:

    - I think I am between the two versions of Kubuntu. Ask (which I am doing now) if it is possible to somehow boot up and continue the installation process.
    - Download Feisty Fawn CD and try to upgrade by the cd.
    - Restore my Edgy-Eft system (I am not sure how).
    - Re-install Edgy-Eft and restore my data from back-up.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Re: Update through Adept failed - What next can I do?

    That little voice in the back of your head is the one than tries to steal all the drama from life!

    Without knowing your hardware, or the status of your data backup, I'll boldly suggest that you go ahead and attempt to set up Feisty, Herd 5. You may need your hand held getting through the partitioning/installer part of it, but if you can make through that you should find a system equally stable as your Edgy ever was.

    I personally found the Herd 5 partitioner/installer so broken that I had to install Herd 4 first, and then upgrade via Adept to Herd 5, but it was fine to do it that way, and everything has been more stable than it was in Edgy. But I think maybe they've subsequently improved the Herd 5 installer, so ... be brave!


      Re: Update through Adept failed - What next can I do?

      If you have a Knoppix live cd or know how to mount your drives using the Kubuntu live cd (I don't so that's why I use Knoppix for disc rescue). You can at least rescue your data. Depending on your system stats you can copy the files to your usb thumb-drive or burn it to CD if you're lucky.

      As far as installing goes I would recommend using the Herd5 install disc. Like dibl said the partitioner might give you some problems unless it's been updated. Good luck.


        Re: Update through Adept failed - What next can I do?

        It seems that many people have this problem.

        In my case "If an installation breaks in the middle of the process and you find that it's no longer possible to install or remove packages, try running these two commands:
        # apt-get -f install
        # dpkg --configure -a
        see" was the problem.

        Now, in my case, initrd.img file was empty. After starting live-CD, start konsole and mounting my harddisk which is called hda5 on my PC:
        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo su
        root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# mkdir /test
        root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# mount /dev/hda5 /test
        cd /
        cd /test:

        apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.20-10-generic linux-image-2.6.20-10-generic
        everything was OK.

        I wonder whether this solutions works for others too.

        The Netherlands


          Re: Update through Adept failed - What next can I do?

          I just did a fresh reinstall using a nightly herd5. I'm learning how to use rsync and I wanted to see how Iwas doing. No better way than seeing if the image works.

          I got to the partitioning part. The right clicking on the partition worked pretty good as long as I did a straight primary partition configuration. When I tried to figure out how to create and configure an extended partition it crashed.

          I did a quick install of QTParted, created my partitions with that and then did the install. It went much smoother that way.

