I had to use the alt. cd because the live cd would not install grub to root. Then after getting it installed I had to run fsck 5! times. Then it told me it had no access to /Home/userxy.
After a few reboots and fscks later I got it opening up in kde albeit with a few error messages concerning the main panel, only to find out I couldn't configure the clock and a few other things like the taskbar were missing and not placable on the main panel.
Apart from that fiesty looks fast and lean. Now all I need for the mom. is a taskbar and find out how to configure the clock.
After a few reboots and fscks later I got it opening up in kde albeit with a few error messages concerning the main panel, only to find out I couldn't configure the clock and a few other things like the taskbar were missing and not placable on the main panel.
Apart from that fiesty looks fast and lean. Now all I need for the mom. is a taskbar and find out how to configure the clock.