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Grub Problems

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    Grub Problems

    While I am trying to install Kubuntu on my newer laptop, I am leaving /home empty. This means I can play around with partitions, etc.

    I successfully installed SuSE 10.1 then FC 5 on this machine, so there is nothing physically wrong with it. But when I try to install Feisty Fawn, grub fails to install properly. Then when I try running grub from the LiveCD, I find that I cannot set root properly. The command should be 'root (hd0, 0)' but this causes errors:

    hd0 causes error 23: hard disk not recognised

    So I type 'root (hd, 0)

    which causes error 21: error parsing number

    Anyone know what is wrong with the Kubuntu implementation of grub ?


    Re: Grub Problems

    This is just a quess but if you have suse installed on let's say hda 5, fedora on hda6 and edgy on hda 7 with /home being hda4 and /swap hda 3

    Then your "root" for edgy would be (hd0,6)

    Can you post a copy of your /boot/grub/menu.lst from edgy?
    You can use the live cd and do alt-> kdesu kate to access the file, to do this.

    How do you keep /home "empty"? As far as I know user files automaticly go into /home.

    I hope this helps a bit

    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Grub Problems

      Originally posted by Andrew1963
      The command should be 'root (hd0, 0)'
      No; it's root (hd0,0) - no spaces inside the brackets ... further reading: GRUB manual.

      Even in (K)Ubuntu, GRUB is working the way (the) GNU would have expected it to 8)

