Last Sunday, I booted in Gnome to find only the root drive recognized. I looked at /etc/fstab and the drives were not even listed (I have NO idea why). I logged out and booted into KDE and was able to access all but one of the drives (ye olde permissions problem, and of course, using sudo chmod and sudo chown did nothing, but that's another story). There was a kernel update which I installed and (for obvious reasons) I used Envy to reinstall the nVidia drivers (I have an 8600 with 512K). So far, so good. Then I rebooted (as you're supposed to do), and now my screen (I run at 1400x1050) has about 1.25" of black on the right side of my monitor.
Then I had a brainstorm and opened displayconfig-gtk. Sure enough, it was a generic nVidia card listed. I selected the 8000 series, logged out and all is fixed.
Then I had a brainstorm and opened displayconfig-gtk. Sure enough, it was a generic nVidia card listed. I selected the 8000 series, logged out and all is fixed.