I am experiencing something rather strange with ttyS0 and its a bit of a grey area, the problem seems to be Kubuntu related, but it might be VirtualBox related, I'll let you decide.
When the system first starts I can echo commands to ttyS0, tell the modem to dial, reset etc, and it all SEEMS to work. If I start Virtual Box and open a terminal emulator I can also send commands to the modem, tell it to dial and it also SEEMS to work, but I never see any response come back from the modem, even though the lights indicate it is replying to the commands (and yes it is set up properly).
OK, If I quit Virtual Box and do;
sudo setserial /dev/ttyS0 autoconfig
and then restart VirtualBox and the terminal emulator , I can issue AT commands and get the modem to dial just as before, but NOW I also get replies from the modem, i.e. I can see the OK responses and such.
One thing I do notice is that VirtualBox sets the Terminal Ready (TR) and Clear to Send (CS) lights active while Linux only sets the CS active. When Virtual Box exits the TR and CS remain active, even after the setserial has been issued.
Is Linux initializing the serial port correctly? Minicom seems to work fine and I see responses from it, but nothing from Virtual Box unless I start it up, quit it, issue a setserial, and then restart it.
Sorry for the rambling nature of the message. Anybody got any ideas on this one?
When the system first starts I can echo commands to ttyS0, tell the modem to dial, reset etc, and it all SEEMS to work. If I start Virtual Box and open a terminal emulator I can also send commands to the modem, tell it to dial and it also SEEMS to work, but I never see any response come back from the modem, even though the lights indicate it is replying to the commands (and yes it is set up properly).
OK, If I quit Virtual Box and do;
sudo setserial /dev/ttyS0 autoconfig
and then restart VirtualBox and the terminal emulator , I can issue AT commands and get the modem to dial just as before, but NOW I also get replies from the modem, i.e. I can see the OK responses and such.
One thing I do notice is that VirtualBox sets the Terminal Ready (TR) and Clear to Send (CS) lights active while Linux only sets the CS active. When Virtual Box exits the TR and CS remain active, even after the setserial has been issued.
Is Linux initializing the serial port correctly? Minicom seems to work fine and I see responses from it, but nothing from Virtual Box unless I start it up, quit it, issue a setserial, and then restart it.
Sorry for the rambling nature of the message. Anybody got any ideas on this one?