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ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

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    Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

    Ah, here's a problem. Your device section with the fglrx driver doesn't have a PCI device specified.
    You can either combine the two device sections or execute "lspci" and look for your card. The first column contains the device ID, and the only thing you need to do to it to put it in your xorg.conf is change the period (full stop, if you're not American) to a colon.
    For external use only.


      Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

      Ok, I added a BusID to the fglrx device section and there was absolutely no change.

      I also ran lspci and it just says unknown chipset...

      and could you please explain better what you mean about the whole period colon thing?


        Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

        Well, you'll also need to comment out or remove the device section above it, while moving the options in there to the "good" device section (assuming you want those options).

        What I was talking about with the periods and the colons is this:
        lspci gives the PCI ID in the format of "00:00.0" while the xorg.conf takes them in "00:00:0". The period from lspci becomes a colon.
        For external use only.


          Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

          Okay I fixed that and still again same problem.
          Attached Files


            Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

            It's a bigger problem than that, then.
            A bit of searching (Google, not these forums) would seem to indicate that your fglrx installation doesn't match your kernel. Or, at least, there's something wrong with your installation. How did you install the driver? Have you ever installed the restricted driver through Adept?
            For external use only.


              Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem


              I used the manual instructions at this website and installed the 8.40.4 driver.
              not saying I didn't do anything wrong but I have successfully done this before on my old system.
              I had a radeon x1300pro agp and ran dapper, edgy, and feisty and generally never really had a problem with the video card.


                Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                Hmm... Those instructions don't usually cause problems.
                Ah well, let's see what the exact trouble is. Open up a terminal (any kind), and say "sudo modprobe fglrx". See what it comes back with.
                For external use only.


                  Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                  Hang on going to try to install the restricted drivers through adept and see if that makes a difference.


                    Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                    Well, that didn't work at all....worse than it was before. I will reinstall 8.40.4 and then do modprobe.


                      Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                      modprobe fglrx returns
                      FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': No such file or directory

                      this should not be this difficult


                        Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                        I've updated my MB BIOS...a shot in the dark and no effect....was reading through xorg log and came accross this...

                        drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
                        drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)
                        drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)
                        drmOpenDevice: Open failed
                        [drm] failed to load kernel module "fglrx"
                        (WW) fglrx(0): Failed to open DRM connection
                        (--) fglrx(0): VideoRAM: 262144 kByte, Type: DDR3
                        (II) fglrx(0): PCIE card detected
                        (WW) fglrx(0): board is an unknown third party board, chipset is supported

                        so I went to /dev/dri and sure enough nothing is there...seems like a problem to me.
                        now what to do about it?


                          Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                          No, that's not a problem. Mine did the same thing at one point, and it worked fine.
                          I think.

                          In any case, that's not the problem.
                          First thing to try would be adding "fglrx" to add "fglrx" to the list of modules in "/etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common". Just stick it between the quotes.

                          Second thing is to find out if you actually have the driver installed somewhere. I have one at /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/misc/fglrx.ko. If you do too, just execute "sudo ln -s /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/misc/fglrx.ko /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko", and it should work fine. If not, see what modprobe says this time.
                          For external use only.


                            Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                            Ok I am not finding it anywhere...
                            and I have 2 kernal listings

                            not in either folder.


                              Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                              You are looking under the misc directory, correct?
                              If it shows up when you do "locate fglrx.ko", then you do have a driver installed, and that's where it is.

                              If not, you don't have a driver installed anywhere, and you'll need to install it. May I suggest my script?
                              For external use only.


                                Re: ATI Radeon x1650xt problem

                                Ok, now the driver shows up... However if I try to load fglrx I get a blank screen and cannot ctrl-alt-f1 back to a console.

                                Xorg.conf file
                                # /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
                                # This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
                                # values from the debconf database.
                                # Edit this file with caution, and see the xorg.conf(5) manual page.
                                # (Type "man xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
                                # This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
                                # if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
                                # package.
                                # If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
                                # again, run the following command:
                                # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

                                Section "Files"
                                FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"
                                FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic"
                                FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled"
                                FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled"
                                FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1"
                                FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi"
                                FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi"
                                # path to defoma fonts
                                FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"

                                Section "Module"
                                Load "i2c"
                                Load "bitmap"
                                Load "ddc"
                                Load "dri"
                                Load "extmod"
                                Load "freetype"
                                Load "glx"
                                Load "int10"
                                Load "vbe"

                                Section "InputDevice"
                                Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
                                Driver "kbd"
                                Option "CoreKeyboard"
                                Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
                                Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
                                Option "XkbLayout" "us"

                                Section "InputDevice"
                                Identifier "Configured Mouse"
                                Driver "mouse"
                                Option "CorePointer"
                                Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
                                Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
                                Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
                                Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

                                Section "InputDevice"
                                Driver "wacom"
                                Identifier "stylus"
                                Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
                                Option "Type" "stylus"
                                Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY

                                Section "InputDevice"
                                Driver "wacom"
                                Identifier "eraser"
                                Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
                                Option "Type" "eraser"
                                Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY

                                Section "InputDevice"
                                Driver "wacom"
                                Identifier "cursor"
                                Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
                                Option "Type" "cursor"
                                Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY

                                Section "Device"
                                Identifier "Generic Video Card"
                                Driver "vesa"
                                BusID "PCI:1:0:0"

                                Section "Monitor"
                                Identifier "X191W"
                                Option "DPMS"

                                Section "Screen"
                                Identifier "Default Screen"
                                Device "Generic Video Card"
                                Monitor "X191W"
                                DefaultDepth 24
                                SubSection "Display"
                                Depth 1
                                Modes "1440x1440" "1360x850" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
                                SubSection "Display"
                                Depth 4
                                Modes "1440x1440" "1360x850" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
                                SubSection "Display"
                                Depth 8
                                Modes "1440x1440" "1360x850" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
                                SubSection "Display"
                                Depth 15
                                Modes "1440x1440" "1360x850" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
                                SubSection "Display"
                                Depth 16
                                Modes "1440x1440" "1360x850" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
                                SubSection "Display"
                                Depth 24
                                Modes "1440x1440" "1360x850" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"

                                Section "ServerLayout"
                                Identifier "Default Layout"
                                Screen "Default Screen"
                                InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
                                InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
                                InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
                                InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
                                InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"

                                Section "DRI"
                                Mode 0666

                                Log errors and warnings

                                (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.
                                (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
                                (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found
                                (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:2:0:0) found
                                (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:2:0:1) found

