Well I've been reading forums a following instructions but to no avail, I have a computer and it's got and integrated AGP Intel card, but it's not to grand, so I wanted to put this card I have in it, it's a "NVIDIA Geforce4 MX 420" but every time I put the card in the computer X won't start and "envy" says it won't work on my computer, and "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" does not fix it, when I try "startx" is says that it can't find the card and that it's some busId problem, or the there's no card in the specified BusID. And "lspci" says that my card is in " 01:0b:0" and when I put that in my xorg.conf file it doesn't work. So any help would be great, or a link to a forum that covers this.