I have a thumb drive that I access regularly.
Under Edgy it always mounted at /media/iriver (it's label is iriver), which was great cause I could point shortcuts and links to it.
Under Fiesty Fawn it's showing up as /media/disk-1
How can I change this back to /media/iriver
I right clicked on it and went to Properties, and I tried going to the "Mounting" tab and explicitly changing it to /media/iriver - but now when I plug in it doesn't mount or show up on the KDE desktop at all.
I mounted it manually (sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/iriver) and changed the mounting properties back to disk-1 and now it automounts again. How can I fix the location?
I've tried adding an fstab entry based on UUID, but no luck there either.
Under Edgy it always mounted at /media/iriver (it's label is iriver), which was great cause I could point shortcuts and links to it.
Under Fiesty Fawn it's showing up as /media/disk-1
How can I change this back to /media/iriver
I right clicked on it and went to Properties, and I tried going to the "Mounting" tab and explicitly changing it to /media/iriver - but now when I plug in it doesn't mount or show up on the KDE desktop at all.
I mounted it manually (sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/iriver) and changed the mounting properties back to disk-1 and now it automounts again. How can I fix the location?
I've tried adding an fstab entry based on UUID, but no luck there either.