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IDE CD drive spams /var/log/messages and contains a nonexistant audio CD

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    IDE CD drive spams /var/log/messages and contains a nonexistant audio CD

    Another problem with the new libata. Sometimes, something will happen randomly (a check for a medium?), and /var/log/messages will get spammed with the lines
    07/14/2007 01:33:52 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kernel [11574.679540] hda: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
    07/14/2007 01:33:52 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kernel [11574.679544] ide: failed opcode was: unknown
    07/14/2007 01:33:52 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kernel [11574.679548] hda: drive not ready for command
    over and over again, until I execute "sudo hdparm -w /dev/hda", which fixes it (only lines appearing after that are a few "07/14/2007 01:46:39 PM webster-kubuntu kernel [12340.072418] hda: cdrom_pc_intr: The drive appears confused (ireason = 0x01). Trying to recover by ending request." every so often). Today, though, it happened again about half an hour later (edit: happened again).

    Here's what lshw has to say about the drive:
    product: SONY CD-RW CRX320E
    physical id: 0
    bus info: ide@0.0
    logical name: /dev/hda
    capabilities: packet
    Oh, and it looks like my SATA CD drive is doing something similar:
    07/14/2007 01:38:30 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kernel [11852.231667] sr 1:0:0:0: Device not ready: <6>: Current: sense key: Not Ready
    07/14/2007 01:38:30 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kernel [11852.231679] Additional sense: Medium not present
    07/14/2007 01:38:30 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kernel [11852.231686] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    So, I guess my question is, can I stop it from doing this? I tried adding "ide=nodma" to my kernel options, but it didn't do anything.

    EDIT: Fourth time today. This is getting annoying. This time, I also noticed this line:
    07/14/2007 03:52:58 PM sheeettin-kubuntu NetworkManager <debug info>^I[1184442778.813499] nm_hal_device_added (): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part_1_size_0').
    EDIT 2: It appears to happen only when there is no media in the drive.
    For external use only.