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How to debug random freeze?

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    How to debug random freeze?

    I know this message does not have enough information to help you debug my problem - so what I am asking for is ideas on how to gather that information.

    I have a Samsung R20 Core Duo, ATI Radeon 1250 gfx laptop, running Kubuntu 7.04. It mostly runs really nicely, but sometimes it randomly freezes up. It's usually after I've used it for a few hours, and often I am not using much - just now I was watching a Google Video and chatting with a friend on Kopete. I was not doing something suddenly new or starting a new program or anything when it happened. The image just freezes, and all buttons are useless (cannot switch to terminal, shut down X etc), all that helps is a cold reboot.

    I cannot find any signs in my syslog - I only realized that my wireless card is connecting and reconnecting every ten minutes, but it had been doing that for hours.

    So where do I go from here to try to find the problem?

    Thank you very much for all your help!


    Re: How to debug random freeze?

    Do you use beryl?? I have the same problem. The system freezes. I can move the mouse but clicking has no result and the keyboard doesn't correspond.. I use beryl and I was thinking that this is the prob.. But I haven't tested it thoroughly..


      Re: How to debug random freeze?

      The following key sequences may (or may not ...) help "unfreezing" the desktop:

      * leftAlt | SysRq | r = put keyboard in “raw” mode
      * leftAlt | SysRq | s = attempt to synchronize all partitions / disks
      * leftAlt | SysRq | e = send “termination” signal to all processes
      * leftAlt | SysRq I i = send “kill” signal to all processes
      * leftAlt | SysRq | u = attempt to unmount all mounted filesystems
      * leftAlt | SysRq | b = reboot the system


        Re: How to debug random freeze?

        i have the same problem my system freezes all time. does not even run for 5-10 minutes. i have turned off all power managment acpi, apmd, powernowd. dont know whats causing it


          Re: How to debug random freeze?

          are you sure it happens randomly? (aren't you touching touchpad, mouse or keyboard?)
          do you still get freezes if using ati's open source drivers?


            Re: How to debug random freeze?

            i have the same problem with random freezes.My system is cpu intel dual core 6600,P5N32-E sli and 8800gts.
            The strange is that the mouse is moving when the system hang.I run and beryl.Any idea?


              Re: How to debug random freeze?

              I would say shut down all extra running tasks that you don't need at the time. Maybe you got knotes, kmix, p2p or whatever programs running that load at boot. If it works then start adding one at a time until you figure out your problem.

              Maybe if your using konqueror web browser use firefox for example too see if you get crashes. Just change and minimize your software. You could even try gaim instead of kopote. Narrow it down.

              Good luck!


                Re: How to debug random freeze?

                I got the same problem ... I removed almost all the hardware and the system was still freezing ... Only the mouse cursor was still running ...
                Everything back to normal after I tried another video card ...
                My Nvidia MX440SE was the problem ...


                  Re: How to debug random freeze?

                  I have open a bug report for the problem here

