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Grub Error when adding IDE drive

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    Grub Error when adding IDE drive

    I've just built a new gonk on an Intel D945GCCR mobo. Using two SATA drives my dual boot system works great (except for some mounting issues with Feisty, but I'll save that for a different post).

    I tried to add an IDE and GRUB freezes after posting a GRUB Error 22. I thought it may be a master/slave/CS jumper prob so I tried all three. Different error number (22,17,25). But all stopped booting. I remove the IDE and whamo, boot sails thru. I tried a different cable to rule that out, even though the cable works fine with a DVD drive attached to it.

    Is it possible to use GRUB with both SATA drives and IDE drives on the same mobo?


    Re: Grub Error when adding IDE drive

    You’re not imagining things – there do seem to be GRUB issues when mixing IDE and SATA drives.
    Dibl here has some good experience with this problem.

    Here’s some similar:
    Dual Boot with SATA and IDE HD
    Special Case GRUB Configuration

    Dual boot, SATA and an IDE:
    If your computer supports selecting which drive to boot in bios:

    Here’s basic GRUB methods, including some workarounds for * basic * setups that do NOT involve a mixture of drives. However, on occasion, these methods have worked with a mixture of IDE/SATA drives. I haven’t seen any clear patterns; or, I haven’t seen any patterns clearly enough to write down any recipes yet.

    How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

    You may get things working just fine for your setup. Perhaps you might start with that How-To and experiment a bit; then post back with questions (under Installation and Boot). Or, maybe others can chime in here with more definitive statements for you.

    Wish I could be more helpful, and maybe we can after you try some stuff (from the How-To).

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Grub Error when adding IDE drive

      Similar, recent case:;t=5883;st=0

      There’s some tidbits there that might sound a note or two with your case here.
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

