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Anyone having success in suspending their desktop computer?

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    Anyone having success in suspending their desktop computer?

    Who is having success suspending their desktops?

    What can I check into/alter to get suspend to work? I am a bit energy conscious these days and the CPU throws heat even when not in use and the HD light flickers here and there. Under Win XP and even damnsmalllinux, my other os's, they don't do that when I am not using the computer for a period of time. I have had Win 2000 and now have XP on this desktop, and there is no issue with hibernate/suspend so there doesn't seem to be a physical hardware/BIOS issue.

    I have tried the items in this thread even though it is mostly for laptops.

    I have a generic MB with an Athalon XP, 2 GB ram, swap is active even though with this much ram, it probably isn't needed. I don't really care if hibernate works... just suspend.

    What happens: Suspends fine but when a "waking" event happens, the screen just flickers. If I do <ctrl> <alt> F1, the screen goes black rather than returns me to shell. Then <ctrl> <alt> <del> will reboot the computer and it seems to go through this properly, as the HD light flickers and fsck doesn't try to run on reboot. The computer is working, but somehow the xserver is not waking, or isn't waking my agp (ati radeon 7200)

    Can I terminate X completely from the keyboard without rebooting? Maybe then I can get a prompt back where I can just type: startx or whatever I need to to restart my xserver. I know I would lose whatever I had on my desktop, but I can work with that.
