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GeForce 8600 GT won't work

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    GeForce 8600 GT won't work

    I have a Geforce 8600 GT on the PCI express slot. when i installed Fiesty everything was fine until i rebooted a couple of days later. When Kubuntu came back up it wouldn't load the gui. i went to the command console and tried startx. it came back with errors saying the NVIDIA device could not be intialized. I tried reinstalling the nvidia-glx driver and then reconfiguring xserver to no avail. tried installing the glx-new drivers and it says

    (EE)Failed to load module "wfb" (module does not exist, 0)
    (EE)Nvidia (GPU-0) Failed to intialize dac HAL
    (EE)Screen(s) found , but none have usable configuration

    Fatal server error:
    no screens found
    XIO Fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
    after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

    I tried going back to the older drivers but then it says the modules are different versions
    How do i get my system back?

    Re: GeForce 8600 GT won't work

    For external use only.


      Re: GeForce 8600 GT won't work

      Originally posted by SheeEttin
      I think that will be a "YES".

      The new 8600 and 8800 Nvidia cards require the very latest proprietary driver, which Envy now installs. Read the instructions, download the "envy_0.9.5-0ubuntu5_all.deb" file from this site

      and install it on your system. Run it in GUI mode if it appears in your "Kmenu>System" menu, otherwise open a konsole window and type
      sudo envy -t
      and it will run in text mode.


        Re: GeForce 8600 GT won't work

        since i only had the ALT-F2 console i had to run it there, but still didn't work. it says my drivers are still mismatched

        I reconfigured and changed my driver to vesa. that got me back into the gui
        after that envy worked.

        thank you very much


          Re: GeForce 8600 GT won't work

          is there now native support for 8600 in feisty? what about gutsy?

          I am asking in this thread because I am troubled with this right now and I know this forum has a search function


            Re: GeForce 8600 GT won't work

            Reply to self because in the end I just had to try something on my own

            Installed gutsy, using nvidia-glx-new, and that seems to work.

