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Mouse not detected

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    Mouse not detected

    Hello everybody,

    I have installed Kubuntu 7.04 and mouse (logitech 2-bth optical) is not detected.

    how to fix this? Please anyone help me out.

    P.S: I have Ubuntu 6.06, but the same mouse works finely there.

    Re: Mouse not detected

    For starters, you may want to "compare & contrast" the according section(s) of /etc/X11/xorg.conf as being used by both of your installed systems.


      Re: Mouse not detected

      Hello, thanks for the reply.

      But, when i logged in to the Kubuntu (it is very difficult to handle with keyboard) and anyhow i reached the /etc/x11/ folder and try to edit the xorg.conf file, there i saw the difference in the file at the protocal attribute (as below)

      Ubuntu 6.06 uses "ExplorerPS/2" where the mouse is working.
      Kubuntu 7.04 uses "ImPS/2" where the mouse is not working.

      I tried to edit the file as-is in the Ubuntu. But its not allowing me to save the file due to no permission. But i logged into the system with my root password. Still its out of my reach.

      So how to configure the mouse to work in kubuntu? Please help, give me the steps in details, because I have to use keyboard to navigate.


        Re: Mouse not detected

        Originally posted by joe.regularjoe.006.9
        So how to configure the mouse to work in kubuntu?
        Reboot from the 06.06 live system, get access to the installed system, backup and edit the file in question, reboot from the installed system - and hope for the best ...


          Re: Mouse not detected

          I have it on two different partations. So how I can proceed? Please help


            Re: Mouse not detected

            Is there no expert in here to help me out...?


              Re: Mouse not detected

              Boot into Dapper, mount the other partition, edit, reboot into Feisty.
              For external use only.

