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how to recover ntfs partition after format to reiserfs (during install)

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    how to recover ntfs partition after format to reiserfs (during install)

    Hi all,
    Here's my problem:
    I started installing kubuntu Feisty, and at the partitioning phase something messed up. I already had prepared a root partition and a home partition, but forgot about the swap partition. As I had a 130 GB ntfs partition, I wanted to take 512 MB from the 130 GB for swap partition. This operation ended up with an error and now my 130 GB partition appears as a reiserfs partition and it is empty. The whole thing happened very fast, I imagine that only quickformat has been done on it. The 512 MB partition has not been created.
    I did not mark the drive to be converted and formatted, only a simple resize command has been given.
    I installed Feisty without the swap partition.
    Since then nothing has been written to this partition. What are my chances to recover my data from the ntfs partition? and how can I do this?
    I could use ntfs tools only if I would convert it back to ntfs, but this operation would mess up even more the partition in my opinion, but maybe I'm wrong.
    If some of you guys had such a problem and managed to solve it, please give me some hints.

    Re: how to recover ntfs partition after format to reiserfs (during install)

    Originally posted by lacoona
    Since then nothing has been written to this partition. What are my chances to recover my data from the ntfs partition? and how can I do this?
    Uhmm.. blind shot.

    Can you try to force it to mount as ntfs. I mean:

    $ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/something /media/something
    It seems to me that you have some linux knowledge (reiser fs...), if you don't understand the above sentence, please, ask for a more clear explanation.



      Re: how to recover ntfs partition after format to reiserfs (during install)

      Hi Javier,
      Thanks for the reply. I already tried to mount the partition as NTFS, but it would not do it.
      I'm trying different utilities to get my data back. The Testdisk utility ( found it, but it said that it can't be recovered.
      Right now I'm trying with Easy Recovery Professional, it found the partition and now I'm searching for files on it.
      Wish me luck...
      I'll be back with the results...


        Re: how to recover ntfs partition after format to reiserfs (during install)

        Good luck .


          Re: how to recover ntfs partition after format to reiserfs (during install)

          I don't want to sound like a downer but unless your data recovery tools pull something I think it's pretty hosed. If it was a quickformat your data recovery tools SHOULD be able to pull SOMEthing though.
          Just a fox, a whisper.

