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systemsettings configuration files ?

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    systemsettings configuration files ?

    Where does the program "systemsettings" save the selected settings?

    I have a problem with my xorg.config monitor refresh rate being overridden
    by Kubuntu's System Settings.

    Right now the GUI will only let my choose a Refresh Rate of 50-52. That's painful on a 22" CRT.
    /etc/xorg.conf has 1280x960@85. That is correct, but it is not used when KDE starts up.
    I now have to change it every session using the "nvidia-settings" application.

    If I can find out where the "System Settings" => "Computer Administration" => "Monitor & Display"
    settings are stored on my system perhaps I can edit them by hand and correct this problem.



    Re: systemsettings configuration files ?

    What kind of system do you have ?

    Here with ati (fglrx) Monitor & Display reads/writes xorg.conf.

    Do you have nvidia ?
    If yes (maybe then ( big maybe )) ->
    Bug #105957 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20
    Bug description

    Binary package hint: nvidia-glx

    After enabling the nVIDIA binary driver and restarting the system (or just restarting X), X successfully starts but fails to set the correct refresh/frequency resulting in a blank screen and "out of range" display message.
    Appendix D. X Config Options
    Option "UseEDID" "boolean"

    By default, the NVIDIA X driver makes use of a display device's EDID, when available, during construction of its mode pool. The EDID is used as a source for possible modes, for valid frequency ranges, and for collecting data on the physical dimensions of the display device for computing the DPI (see Appendix Y, Dots Per Inch). However, if you wish to disable the driver's use of the EDID, you can set this option to False...
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: systemsettings configuration files ?

      Well Rog131 that was worth a try, but no joy.
      I do indeed have an NVidia 6200 AGP card.
      And, I am using the binary drivers.
      I am successfully using the binary NVidia drivers on anothre system,
      so I am reasonably sure I have it installed correctly.

      My problem seems similar, but not quite the same as the bug listed below.
      I suppose I should turn in a bug report to the Kubuntu team.

      BTW, this little problem does not change the fact that Kubuntu is an amazing distribution.
      I am slowly migrating, all of the systems that I own and support, to it.


        Re: systemsettings configuration files ?

        It should use /etc/X11/xorg.conf as its config, but "should" is one of "those words".

        Anyway, I'm not sure why it's not letting you choose it. Try checking refresh rates in the Hardware tab.
        For external use only.

