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Monitor power setting won't stick

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    Monitor power setting won't stick

    In System Settings|Monitor & Display|Power Saving, "Enable power saving" is unchecked by default. In Administrator Mode, I enable power saving and set it to 20 minutes. Works fine, but on reboot it's back to being unchecked. This also happened on an upgrade from Dapper to Edgy, but the measures that fixed it don't work in Feisty.

    etc/X11/xorg.conf has Option "DPMS" in both the "Monitor" section and the "Device" section for the video card. The video driver is "nvidia".
    /home/user/.kde/share/config/displayconfigrc has dpmsSeconds=20.

    Other particulars:
    Kubuntu 7.04
    KDE 3.5.6
    nVidia GeForce 6100 video in motherboard
    Viewsonic A75s monitor

    Any ideas?

    Re: Monitor power setting won't stick

    Yeah, this is a known problem.

    Somehow, I got mine to stick, but I'm not sure how.
    In my displayconfigrc, I have "dpmsSeconds=1800", which works out to thirty minutes. Try specifying it in the rc.
    For external use only.


      Re: Monitor power setting won't stick

      I think I've found the problem. In Edgy, the "dpmsSeconds" in displayconfigrc were actually minutes; to get the monitor to shut off after 20 minutes, I had to set dpmsSeconds=20. It never occurred to me that this might have been fixed in Feisty--duh.

      Now, here's the weird part. In System Settings|Monitor & Display, going into Administrator Mode and setting Power Saving does not change the value of dpmsSeconds in displayconfigrc. Now that dpmsSeconds really are seconds, the system probably saw "20 seconds" (the old Edgy value) and defaulted to "Not enabled". BUT, if I change the settings in System Settings|Monitor & Display WITHOUT going into Administrator Mode, displayconfigrc is instantly updated with the correct setting (dpmsSeconds=1200), and it stays enabled with the correct time after reboot.

      So, is this a bug? The System Settings|Monitor & Display screen says "Changes in this section require root access", but in fact the opposite seems to be the case: changes made from root are inoperative. Or have I gotten something backwards?


        Re: Monitor power setting won't stick

        Hm. I suspected that it referenced the home directory, which would make the setting go into /root/.kde/share/config/displayconfigrc, but that doesn't exist.

        I'm not sure what to say. I guess you could check for a bug report, and if there isn't one, make one.
        For external use only.

