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Problem With KPPP

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    Problem With KPPP

    I am using KPPP with an External Modem, attached to a serial port. I set up the modem and queried it and received no error messages. I set up my ISP parameters and then clicked "Connect". The modem initializes and then the dial in window just disappears and I am not connected (in addition the lights on the modem do not change from the 4 that are lit at startup). Anyone know what causes this and what the fix is

    Re: Problem With KPPP

    No thoughts on this


      Re: Problem With KPPP

      Well, it's not very specific. I used a modem for a while, but I didn't get too familiar with it.

      I guess you could check to make sure you're using the correct device...
      For external use only.


        Re: Problem With KPPP

        Any specific help info on this request?? I would appreciate detailed troubleshooting and fix. Many Thanks....MB


          Re: Problem With KPPP

          I am trying to share my experience.

          If your modem is recognized (this must happen with any classic modem connected serially with your computer) this means that the problem is not the modem, but the fact that "the path to Internet" is not going with the right direction. This might happen if your computer has another network interface (e.g. a network card) that is set by Feisty as the first choice when connecting to Internet.

          If you don't use the network card (i.e. you are not connected to your local network) you must disable this in order to allow any program to find the current path to Internet. To do this:

          Preparation step: close any browser or application that you need to connect to Internet

          1. Go to "System Settings -> Network Settings
          2. Press "Administrator Mode"
          3. Disable the Ethernet Network Interface
          4. Push the button "Apply"

          This way the only path for a ppp (stands for "point to point protocol") connection to Internet will remain the modem.

          If you configured correctly pppd using Kppp interface, when you start the connection you should be connected.

          A last suggestion: when configuring Kppp, don't forget to go into the tab "Misc" and check "Dock into panel on connect", because you'll obtain a small life icon of your modem activity in your systray (right side of your panel)

          I experienced the same thing with my ADSL USB modem till I realized that Feisty believes that the main connection to Internet is the LAN card. Immediately when I disabled the card I could connect to Internet.

          What would be interesting now (and I believe that is also possible) is to create a script to do this automatically by Kppp (when you push "Connect" button).

          Wish this will help you to solve the problem.



            Re: Problem With KPPP

            Let me tell everyone EXACTLY what happens and then maybe we can figure this thing out as I am running out of patience! Upon starting KPPP, I receive the following message: "/etc/resolv.conf is missing or can not be read" - Contact Admin.....". I did a search and there is no /etc/resolv.conf file to be found. Tried creating one, as ADMIN, even though it would be empty so the program would have it to find and I got error messages that I did not have authority. As SUDO?? How can that be? There is a /etc/ppp/resolv but that is not the same file and it is empty. The modem is an External Rockwell that is attached to Serial Port 1 (so that is ttyS0 - RIGHT??).

            When I run KPPP, the dialog box says the Modem is Initializing but then the box disappears and there is no connection. Set it up so it docks the icon in the taskbar upon connection but since it never connects that won't happen. I have the volume, for the modem, turned all the way up and I hear nothing!! It worked just before I loaded Kubuntu when running SUSE 10.0 and now I can not get it to work. Tried the modem on a Win XP system and it works great so something is wrong in the OS and it is not hardware related. I tried to use the Wizard to set up KPPP and there is no country listing for the US. Now that is BS! How can you have an OS without a listing for the US

            Also tried WVDIAL and got, "Can't open /dev/ttySO - Device or resourch is busy". What could be the problem(s) and what do I do? Bobby


              Re: Problem With KPPP

              Have done all the fixes suggested here and elsewhere and STILL have the exact same problem. Made sure the login ID and password appear in all the proper files and still......HELP!!!!


                Re: Problem With KPPP

                Apparently, something else is taking control of your modem, but I don't know how to find out what.

                Try a clean boot, then try wvdial. See if it gives the same thing.

                Oh, and with KPPP, there's an option somewhere to show the dialogue between the modem and the software. See if you can find that button and see if there's any communication at all.
                For external use only.


                  Re: Problem With KPPP

                  Thanks for the info - there is a check box to display the Log Window and I have that checked to display the window. The window is blank and the KPPP dialog box just says that the modem is "initializing" and then everything just disappears. Tried WVDIAL as SUDO and it is looking for all my login info but I'm not sure if I need to enter one line at a time or can "string" the commands. Before my HD crash I have KPPP working with the same modem and computer under SUSE 10.0 but have had no luck with Kubuntu. Has KPPP changed??


                    Re: Problem With KPPP

                    I think you have not set up kppp for the correct device it is thus testing to a non connected device. You can test by using the kppp Query modem and you should get some results, such as type of modem etc if it is linked in kppp configuration to the correct dev
                    Regards<br />Matchless<br /><br />Proudly kubuntu!


                      Re: Problem With KPPP

                      Finally figured out the problem - I was not logged in as "root"! However it's a pain to F2 and then kdesu konqueror to get the application list and then click kppp. Is there an easier way??


                        Re: Problem With KPPP

                        "kdesu kppp".

                        But you shouldn't do that. Just add yourself to the "dialout" group.
                        For external use only.


                          Re: Problem With KPPP

                          How does one add themselves to the "dialout" group??


                            Re: Problem With KPPP

                            K Menu > System Settings > User Management > Administrator Mode > Modify > Secondary Groups. Either type it in or hit "select" and add it to your list.
                            For external use only.


                              Re: Problem With KPPP

                              Can you verify that the modem commands are inserted correctly under
                              MODEM? Also there is an option in KPPP that allows you to have a
                              log box where you can see what happens when the ATZ command
                              (along with others) is sent to the mode. The response should be OK.
                              If you are not seeing those commands in the log window then I'd bet
                              the Modem commands are missing or you are sending the commands
                              to the wrong device (port).

                              If you do a query in KPPP, config, Modem, does the modem respond
                              with any information?

                              Modem Commands

                              You could also go to the terminal box and type ATZ along with
                              Enter and see if you get a response of OK.


